Author Archive
11 Feb 2015
Method of Performing Salat Al Istikhara and Its Benefits

More often, there comes a time in our lives when we look for someone`s help in successful implementation of any critical matter of our lives. That particular somebody who we refer to in this regard is deemed as an expert, who would give us the best possible advice, like in deciding whether to pursue a
10 Feb 2015
Some Prominent Instances from Life Of Hazrat Fatima (R.A)

Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her) was the youngest and the most beloved daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Khatija (R.A). She was born just about five years before her Father (PBUH) was granted the first revelation from Allah SWT. It was time when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) resolved a conflict between the
09 Feb 2015
How to be Closer to Allah & Attain His Love

It is in human nature that when a person likes someone, it tries its best to say no word of offence in order to please that individual, like parents let go of most of the mistakes of their children because they love them. Same is the case of a true Muslim, who knows that the
09 Feb 2015
Tips on Keeping Productive Friendships And Relationships

Human is known as a social animal. It cannot live in isolation for much time, which is why it constantly keeps on seeking company of others. Most of a man`s likenesses, preferences and decisions are influenced greatly by its reference groups apart from its own family. Some of these relationships are positive which are beneficial
04 Feb 2015
Top Leadership Qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Who is a leader? This expression contains a key word “lead” which means “to show the way”. It is a quality of a person who can drive people forward with a view to achieve a common goal, like a captain on a ship, commander in chief of Army Forces, and CEO of a company etc.
03 Feb 2015
Effective Way of Communication According to Sunnah

The word communication generally means “the transfer of information” in a defined criterion whereby sender of the message is able to convey its point to the intended receiver. It could be of different kinds, like verbal which could be face to face as well as via phone, non verbal that includes in-written and through gestures.
02 Feb 2015
How To Gain Salvation & Recover from a State of Annihilation

According to the Islamic conviction, a man is born without any sins, for God`s creation is pure and without any spoil. We Muslims know that Allah SWT has given Satan freedom till the Day of Judgment so that there can be distinction among true believers and ignorant ones. Although every individual has goodness in itself
02 Feb 2015
7 Ways to Increase Tawfeeq (The Abilty to Complete Tasks)

Most of the times in our lives, come instances when a person misses the right moment to benefit from availing a chance, and on many occasions, it complains about having lack of wisdom or awareness to avail that opportunity. Although every one of us has been given same level of consciousness by Allah Almighty, but
29 Jan 2015
Significance of Offering The Isha Prayer and Its Benefits

Muslims are bound to learn Salaah and offer it five times a day, namely Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. There is a great implication in praying daily, as it improves the link between a man and the Creator of the universe. It also serves as a means of forgiveness of sins and earning of
27 Jan 2015
Be Mindful of Allah, And Allah will Protect You

It is a common practice among human beings to help one another, mostly in the case if they are being mutually benefited, like coalitions among nations are majorly on the basis of some shared value. Speaking specifically, relationships between two persons in a society are also affected by joint respect and needs, e.g. no one