Author Archive
24 Oct 2017
Download Surah Waqiah (The Inevitable Event)

We all should know that reciting Quran has so many benefits so we should recite it daily. We should try to integrate Quran in our lives and learn from it. Just try it at least once and slowly build upon it. Every chapter of Quran has its own significance and importance. Surah Al-Waqiah is the
24 Oct 2017
O My Lord! Increase me in knowledge: Teach your kids via Talking Lil Muslim Feature Duas for Kids

Muslim kids should learn Islamic and Quranic duas. Being Muslim parents it’s our responsibility to teach our kids about Islam and Islamic teachings. Today parents are so busy in their work life they don’t have enough time to teach their children by themselves just like it happened in previous years and these Muslim kids don’t
24 Oct 2017
Surah Rahman – The Beauty Of Quran

Surah Rahman is one of the greatest Surah of Quran. It is known as “the beauty of the Quran”. In this surah we find the solutions to all diseases and difficulties which come in our daily life. It is 55th surah of Quran having 78 verses. The beautiful verse of this surah describes its summary فَبِأَيِّ
23 Oct 2017
Fazilat of Reciting Surah Yaseen

The Holy Quran is the 4th and final holy book of Allah. Allah (SWT) took responsibility for its safety by His own self. In Quran, there are so many instructions and guidelines that will help in our daily life. It is the sole book in the entire world that rewards its reader with blessings from
20 Oct 2017
Quranic Duas for Different Occasions in Arabic

Today everyone is so busy in his life; no one has enough time to read books for supplications and Duas for learning them. The supplications have so much importance in our life because we are Muslim and we believe on Duas. In this article, we elaborate on the status, importance, and etiquettes of dua and
19 Oct 2017
Story of Surah Al Kahf

Every verse of Quran holds a unique set of content and the consequent reverence in the hearts of the Muslims. Surah Al Kahf is a Makki Surah. It was revealed when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in Mecca. Surah Al Kahf has 110 Verses and is the 18th Surah of the Quran. The Meaning of Al
18 Oct 2017
World’s First Muslim Talking Application “Talking Lil Muslim” Has Been Launched

Quran Reading proudly present world’s first Muslim application of Lil Muslim with amazing new features for users Android smartphones and tablets. It’s new and completely different from other old applications available in store with Talking features and all basic Islamic knowledge. Now a days child’s upbringing was always tough and difficult task where your child
17 Oct 2017
The virtues of Surah al-Fatiha

Quran is the last Holy book of Allah. Each and every word of Quran is priceless for every Muslim. Verses of Quran are authentic no one of us can question them. There are some Surahs that were revealed for some specific purpose one of them is “Surah al-Fatiha”. It is most often repeated Surah in
16 Oct 2017
The Meaning of Surah al-Fatiha

Quran is the last book from the Holy books which Allah SWT revealed on His Prophets. Quran is revealed on last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Quran is a book whose topic is the man. We can say that Quran is the final source of guidance for believers who accepted Islam. We have 30 chapters in the
15 Oct 2017
Hazrat Umar (R.A) Life History

Hazrat Umar Ibn-Al-Khattab was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliphs. He belonged to Banu Adi family tribe of Quraish in Makah. He was the second Caliph after Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) and senior companion of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). If you look back in the history of Islam the people who played a