Author Archive
08 Jul 2019
Significance of Hajj in Quran & Hadith

Hajj is an Arabic word which means “to intend a journey”. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, which every Muslim must perform at least once in his or her lifetime provided, they are financially and physically able to do so. All Muslim’s willingly visit this sacred place because ALLAH has given this place a
05 Jul 2019
Values and Ethics in Islam

Islam is a religion that provides a complete way of living through its ethical standards and values provided in the Holy Quran. It has described moral values and ethics in a proper way and has emphasized the Muslims to follow them in order to please the Almighty Allah. The Creator of this world and the
04 Jul 2019
Traditions & Beliefs in Islam
Every religion has its own traditions and beliefs that sets the framework of that specific religion. The followers of that religion follow and obey those traditions and beliefs on a regular basis to show the image of his religion in a community. Just like other religions, Islam has also defined its traditions and cultures that
21 Nov 2017
Biography of Hazrat Fatima (R.A)

Hazrat Fatima (R.A) is the daughter of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Bibi Fatima (R.A) was born just about five years before her Father (PBUH) was granted the first revelation from Allah SWT. Bibi Fatima (R.A) has four titles, which are ‘Zahraa”, “Batool”, “Umm al-Hasan wal-Husayn” and the last is the nicest title “Ummu Abeeha”. From the
20 Nov 2017
Tahajjud Prayer: How to pray, when to pray and its Benefits

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mentioned that Salah is the 2nd pillar of Islam and it is obligatory on every Muslim to offer Salah five times a day. Salah is one of the most important parts of every Muslim’s life. It is of two types: first is the obligatory Namaz, which is to be offered
17 Nov 2017
40 Rabbana Duas

Dua is basically “to call out, to summon.” Dua should be made at all times and in all circumstances. We should make a habit of making Dua because this habit gets us close to Allah Almighty. Dua itself becomes a source of joy and comfort because indeed in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find
15 Nov 2017
5 Questions Allah will Ask

This life which we are living will be ended one day it is the belief and faith of Muslims. Everything is short-lived whether its human or any other creature living on this earth will not live forever. We all should go back to Allah Almighty one day or the other, sooner or later. We should
13 Nov 2017
Promises of Allah in Quran

A promise is a declaration or an assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. Allah Almighty is the creator of this world. Allah has revealed a Holy Book Quran for all mankind. Quran is the book of guidance for all mankind. Allah (SWT) spoke of His creation through Quran.
12 Nov 2017
Life History of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

Hazrat Usman (R.A) belonged to a noble family of Quraish a tribe of Mecca. He was born in 573 A.C. He (R.A) was from the “Umayyah” family of Quraish that was a well reputed and honorable family of Mecca during the pre-Islamic days. His inherited name was “Abu Amr” but he (R.A) was commonly known
09 Nov 2017
Virtues of Understanding Quran

Millions of Muslims in the world recite Quran daily in their prayers. Holy Quran is the 4th and the last Holy Book of Almighty Allah revealed on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We as a Muslim should read Quran with understanding so that we can understand its deep meaning. When we know its meaning what Allah has