04 Jul 2022
7 Ways to Make Allah Please in first 10 Days of Dhul Hajjah

After Ramadan, the first 10 days of dhul hajjah last month of the Islamic calendar, becomes even more fortunate because Muslims perform hajj during this holy month. Also, the month of Dhul Hajjah is the month of Hajj, which means pilgrimage as well. Also, This month is so lucky because of its first ten days,
20 May 2022
Why Should You dont despair the mercy of Allah?
Allah is the merciful and no one should dont despair the mercy of Allah. Messenger Muhammad (SAW) delivered message of his majesty to convey his mercy to all. Allah has clearly told in some bold verses of Quran that after the evil deeds, if one makes repentance he forgives him and that is only by
13 May 2022
Fasting in Shawwal- Significance & Virtues

Fasting in Shawwal brings many benefits and blessings, as well as the opportunity to atone for any transgressions made throughout the blessed month of Ramadan. The Shawwal fast is meant to make up for any missed Ramadan fasting days (for which you must pay Fidya or Kaffarah, depending on your interpretation), rather than to make
29 Apr 2022
All About Zakat al Fitr 2022

All about Zakat al Fitr 2022 is what you’re going to learn in todays article. It is frequently referred to as Fitrana or Fitrah, which translates to “breaking a fast” in Arabic. When the month of fasting ends, the month’s Zakat-ul Fitr is what is donated. If you’re fasting throughout this holy month, then Zakat-ul
22 Apr 2022
5 Significant Practices for the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The third Ashra (Last 10 days of Ramadan) begins on the 21st of Ramadan and finishes on the 29th or 30th of Ramadan, depending on the lunar calendar. The third Ashra is referred to as “Safety from the Hell” (Nijat). Every Muslim must pray in order to be protected from the wrath of God. Practices
15 Apr 2022
What is Best Food for Fasting in Ramadan?

Today, we’re gonna talk about the best food for Fasting in Ramadan. More than one billion Muslims worldwide observe Ramadan, by abstaining from all food and drink from sunset till sunrise. During Ramadan, your body’s circadian clock experiences a number of adjustments both physically and emotionally. Because your body is dehydrated and hungry during fasting,
08 Apr 2022
5 Purifying Benefits of Fasting in Islam
The month of Ramadan comes with blessings and bunches of benefits. These benefits of fasting include health benefits and purifying benefits. Ramadan comes once a year, so it is once in a year chance for the geeks who want to get closer to Allah to strengthen their companionship with Allah and Purify their Hearts and
01 Apr 2022
5 Best Things to Do During Ramadan

Ramadan is the Crowned month of the whole Islamic calendar in all 12 months. All the days and the months are by Allah and have their values but no other month can compete with Ramdan in its significance and count of blessings from Allah. It’s the time to purify souls and ask repentance from Allah
31 Mar 2022
What Quran Says About Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims consider it to be the month of blessings. Besides all other major causes for the significance of this holy month nothing can better describe it than “What Quran says about Ramadan?”. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are urged to do good deeds and
06 Jul 2021
Significance of Fasting in the Month of Zil Hajj

The month of Dhul-Hijjah is known as the month of the Pilgrimage. It is recommended to fast the first 9 days of the month specifically, on the 9th day (the Day of Arafah), it is more emphasized to fast on this day. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says that: “Fasting on this day can expiates your sins from