Author Archive
09 Oct 2017
World’s largest Muslim application with accurate Qibla direction, prayer times, Adhan clocks and Quran.

“Qibla Connect® Find Direction” is the oldest Islamic app in Muslim app community having more than 10 million users around the world. This app has been launched in 2013 almost 5 years to go, not too much time but still have a lot of users because of its amazing features. It is highly optimized, full
14 Jul 2016
Eternal Blessings of Fasting Six Days in Shawwal after Ramadan

Do you fall back to the same routine after Ramadan and trying to uphold the activities that you have once shunt in Ramadan? Do not relinquish what you have in hands and what you have achieved in the last month of Ramadan. To continue this habit even after Ramada, Allah has blessed the Muslims with
01 Jul 2016
Celebrate Eid Ul Fitar 2016 with Prophet (PBUH) Sunnah

The festivity of Eid is known to every person in the globe and is a ritual, which is celebrated by the Muslims to commemorate the end of Ramadan to rejoice the blessings afterwards. The literal meanings of Eid are happiness and joy because Muslims all over the world celebrate it with zeal and fervor. As
29 Jun 2016
Tips To Stay Healthy In the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end and only Allah Almighty knows that whether we will be granted with other Ramadan or not. Last ten days of Ramadan are blessed days in which Allah has asked the Muslims to seek the power of night, which is equivalent to the night of thousand
27 Jun 2016
8 Acts That You Can Do on This Lailat Ul Qadar 2016

Laylat-ul-Qadar is described as the night of power – the night of forgiveness, which is to atone the sins on which a single deed done is better than the deeds done in one thousand month such as reciting Quran about which the Holy book says: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to do worship on this night
22 Jun 2016
Know How To Strengthen Your Relation With Allah This Ramadan

And then whilst surfing on facebook a post just strangled me in its words that were beautifully intertwined and intrinsically quoted in words. The words were depiction of pure love with our creator, which needs to be invigorated now and then. There are some special rituals and days when the mighty Lord is so close
14 Jun 2016
Customize Your Dua for Ramadan – Seek What and When to Ask

A year has passed since the last Ramadan we have spent and it was a year full of blessings, worship, joys, and regret. Now yet again we have stepped into a new year in which we can mend what we forgot to do in previous Ramadan and what we did not accomplish because of either
10 Jun 2016
Productive Ramadan towards Better Humanity

Ramadan is a blessed month and for many of us Ramadan starts with a bang and for some they have no idea how the month came to an end. This Islamic month is full of bounties and immense pleasure for those divine Muslims who want to seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. To utilize this month
08 Jun 2016
Five Best Tips to Eat Right & Stay Right this Ramadan

Ramadan the month of bounties and blessings has started and has already knocked our doors. Families have stocked all the essential items for the month of Ramadan so that they can utilize their productive time to seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. In this Ramadan most of us are experiencing what we have not in previous
07 Jun 2016
Suhoor and Iftar Timings for Ramadan 2016-New York (NYC) USA

Ramadan the month of atonement has started with all its blessings to shower upon the believing Muslims regardless of the continent and region. Muslims around the globe yearn to wait for this feverish month to grasp the innumerable bounties of Allah to beseech the Mighty Lord’s mercy and forgiveness. This divine month of Ramadan has