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Importance of Da`wah (Preaching) In Islam

The word Da`wah generally means “Calling people towards Allah and His instructions”. The practitioner of preaching is known as Da`i. This act is commonly thought of being limited to religious matters only like Oneness of God, reading the Holy Quran in Arabic, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) being the last Prophet, believing in prophets and day of

10 Tips to Bring Barakah in Your Life And Wealth

The general meaning of the word Barakah is “increase or productivity” in something. It could be in terms of betterment or easiness in someone`s living matters, or could also be taken in the context of enhancement in prosperity. This boost is not something one time rise in something, rather it could be achieving supplementary with

Who Is Muhammad (PBUH) – The Great Reformist

  Question– Who is Muhammad (PBUH)? Answer–The Great Reformist Ever Over 1400 years ago, on 12th Rabi ul Awwal, in 570 A.D, in the year of Elephant, a child was born to a well respected family of Banu Hashim, in the tribe of Quraish. His mother named Bibi Amina, also belonged to one of the

How Muslims Should React to Mockery of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Born and raised in a well known family of Banu Hashim, belonging to the tribe of Quraish, in a time when the Arabs used to worship multiple gods and had forgotten teachings of previous Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) had a distinctive, yet affectionate personality right from His early life. He would not approve the idea

Making Quran Learning Effective for Kids

  HOW TO MAKE QURAN LEARNING EFFECTIVE (Tutor, Child and Parent- Building a Troika) The Holy Book of Quran has a great status in lives of us Muslims, as it was revealed upon our beloved Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and it consists of countless teachings of Islam, which are a great source of enlightenment to

Manners To Follow When Visiting Mosques

Although the foundation of the first mosque started when Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) laid the foundation of Masjid Al-Haraam, but the history of first mosque in the lives of Muslims goes back to days when the Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) set out on emigration from Makkah to Madina. While He was on His way, people said

Miracles of The Holy Quran (Scientific Perspective)

The word “miracle” literally means “any happening that is beyond imagination, and is generally associated with supernatural happenings and Godly matters”, e.g. mysterious nature Bermuda Triangle, and its working which is still unknown in this technological age. Alternatively, it could also be associated with a sudden happening that is beneficial or astonishing to masses, like

Some Major Events From the Prophet`s (PBUH) Life (After Revelation)

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born in highly respected family named Bani Hashim, belonging to the tribe of Quraish, in Makkah, in 571 A.D. His father, Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) had died a few months before He was born, and His mother, Bibi Aamina (R.A) also died when He was only 6. Then, he was brought up

40 Duas from The Holy Quran That Start With “Rabbana”

Dua is the simplest mean to establish connection with Allah and imploring to Him to gain blessings. There are about 40 Duas in Quran that start with the Word “Rabbana”. This post by Quran Reading is the compilation of all forty duas from Holy Quran, that start with the Word “Rabbana”, in form of attractive

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Satan

As Muslims, we have a strong belief in Allah Almighty as the Supreme Power. We also know that He has created Satan from fire, who was among the ranks of obedient Angels, but got accursed from the Exalted Lord as a result of its disobedience by not prostrating in front of Adam and Hawwa (Eve).