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Contribution of Muslims in Modern Inventions

The common notion about Muslims in this day and age is not any good. The West has already labeled them as the extremists, and a constant danger to the safety of the entire world population according to prevailing propaganda. This generalization has got no roots, as activities done by a small group of people should

Rights of Neighbors In Islam

Every society runs through a system of interdependence of individuals on each other. It has some norms and values, which combine people in to continuous process of performing their duties and achieving their rights in turn. Islam lays great importance on keeping balance in a community through peace and care among one another, especially in

The History And Great Importance of Islamic Months

Monthly calendars play a vital role in scheduling of time and important events in lives of their respective followers. There are many kinds of almanacs made from people of different religions and regions for sake of knowing about specific traditions, occasions and holidays etc. like Gregorian (Christian), Chinese and Hijri (Islamic) calendars. All of such

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A) – The Best Companion of Prophet (PBUH)

Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A), born in Makkah in 573 A.D, belonged to one of the highly respected families of Qureyshi tribe, Bani Tamim. He was two years younger than Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), sharing the common descent with Him.  His surname was Abdullah, but he was commonly known as Abu Bakr because of his forefathers. His

Forbiddance of Racism in Islam

The word Racism generally means the feeling and demonstration of one`s distinction over other individual. This superiority complex takes many forms like the most prevailing one is thinking of white people as better than the black. Other forms include linguistic prejudice in some countries, and discrimination on the basis of cast and creed is also

Muslim Husband – Leader of The House

In the recent past, there have been many researches on productivity and efficiency of people, mostly in the workplace, like being proactive, seeking cooperation with others, prioritizing matters, listening carefully, careful planning etc. All of these are good things to keep in mind for one`s success in all walks of life. Talking about accomplishment in

Deeds That Are Equal to Reward of Hajj

The religion of Peace, i.e. Islam offers complete code of life. It is based on five most important deeds, i.e. faith, salah, charity, fasting and Hajj (pilgrimage). Muslims are obligated to perform these religious actions which bring productivity in their lives, such as daily prayers benefit in both remembrance of Allah SWT and also teach

How to Perform Salatul Hajat – The Prayer of Need

  If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Muslims have been obligated to perform Salah five times a day. The implication of these prayers is to attain nearness to Allah SWT, forgiveness

The Concept of Moderation in Islam

The word “Moderation” generally means “to avoid the extreme” in every matter. The action of just avoiding the excessiveness does not convey the exact implication of this term, as it could be taken in the context of both good and bad. For example, we normally take telling lies while joking as appropriate whereas we consider

10 Blessed Days And Events In Islamic Calender

Every religion has some specific occasions, which have special value and importance in the lives of its followers, like Christians celebrate Christmas and observe Easter, Hindus rejoice Diwali and Holi. Recognizing and taking part in these events enhance one`s knowledge and implication of its religious ideologies and conviction. The Islamic Calendar also contains numerous days