How To Revive The True Spirit Of Islam In Muslim World

There is no denying the fact that at present the condition of Muslims all over the world is beyond explanation. This plight of Muslims is a representation of the plight of Islam, therefore, it is not only the Muslims who are experiencing the downfall, it is Islam that is going through the downfall because of Muslims.
Islam and Muslim Ummah have once enjoyed dominance over the world in pretty much the same glory as the West at present enjoys over the rest of the world. Although Muslims have spread across the world and Islam is no more a religion confined by regional boundaries, however, all of it has brought nothing good to Islam, rather despite all its expansion, Muslims all over the world share similar traits of being ignorant, backward, illiterate, unjust, uncivilized and so on.
Islam is a religion of peace, prosperity, equality, justice, well being of the society and every other good quality that a person can associate with a good and ideal system of living. Therefore, at present what has happened is that Islam has lost its essence and there are few Muslims who live by the true spirit of Islam. Therefore, the need at present is to revive the true spirit of Islam in Muslim Ummah.
Some of the major elements that require dire consideration pertaining to the reviving of true spirit of Islam are discussed below.
Remember The Times:
At present Muslims all across the world are in a situation where they are having extreme difficulties to keep their identity and the honor that comes with it safe. To the developed world, Muslims are barbaric, extremists and oppressive people who have no contribution to the present civilized world. Moreover, the bombardment of such opinion and judgments have made Muslims forget what they once were. The need is to remember those old days.
A Muslim needs to remember that in its days Islam was the religion that dominated the world and Muslim empire expanded to the farthest regions. When the West was in dark ages, it was the Muslim world that was on its peak and making scientific, philosophical, economic and political progress. It is on the remains of the peak of Muslim world that the renaissance in Europe generated. Therefore, it is imperative that the Muslims at present realize their past and see the kind of glory days they had. This remembrance of past in no means should be taken as remaining in the past, rather, the Muslim world needs to take out the spirit of the past and implement it in their doings of the present. Once Muslims realize what they have been, only then can they realize their potential and work towards achieving it.
The first thing to clarify here is that education does not stand for literacy, rather it stands for enlightenment. Muslim countries are far behind the developed world when it comes to literacy rate and it is quite natural for them to be less enlightened as well due to less literacy. Muslims need to realize that in order to move forward in the world and stand for what Islam stands for, they need to get education in worldly literacy and religious enlightenment both. There are Muslims who go for worldly education only and keep the understanding of religion to a rudimentary level, whereas, there are other Muslims who resort to religion only and do not give importance to worldly learning. Muslims need to realize that it is their religion that encourages them to ponder over life and gain knowledge from every possible place where it is available to them. Thus, the spirit of Islam undoubtedly does not lie in a Muslim leaving religion and following worldly education only, neither is it in only following religion without any attention to the world, rather it lies in the combination of two and the education of Muslims should comprise of worldly as well as religious education.
No matter how progressed and how advanced the West is and how intellectually superior they think they are, there is still one thing that Muslims have that can make them rise in the world at anytime. That particular thing is the Quran. It is the word of Allah, and the reason why Muslims, despite having this unique and heavenly Book are still in such a plight where there is nothing but misery for them. The reason for it is the fact that they have lost their connection with Quran. It is Quran in which Allah has addressed people and told them what they need to do in order to be successful in this world and the world to come. Muslims have left it and made it only limited to Quran recitation on daily bases. The recitation of Quran does bring reward, but what Quran intends to convey is much more than just reward. A Muslim needs to read Quran with the intention of understanding because when a Muslim dwells in understanding, he or she then realizes what the message is, however, there again is the hurdle of people learning that much Quran what much is told to them by dogmatic people. The need is that a Muslim explores and tries to learn Quran on his or her own so that he or she is able to understand Quran under personal reflection and then implement it in life. Once, Muslims start implementing Quran in their lives, they will surely revive to the former glory and grandeur.
Note – If you are in search of online classes to learn to read and understand the Holy Quran with meanings, then attend online classes of QuranReading.com Academy where you can educate yourself with Quran reading, recitation, translation, and memorization.
Establishment Of Justice:
The mark difference between the Muslim world and the Western world is the justice system that the latter has been able to establish in its society. In West, the prosperity of the nation and the civility of the society all depends upon their justice system and it is on the basis of this that they have been able to achieve peace as well as prosperity. On the other hand, in the Islamic world at present there is the lack of justice system and everywhere in the society there is nepotism and corruption. The absence of justice deprives the Muslims to contribute to their society in a healthy manner.
What Muslims need to do is to realize that the establishment of justice is a major and integral tenet of Islam and the entire Islamic society depends upon availability of justice to all without any discrimination. Islam set the foundation of rights and obligations in the Arabia, it allowed people of different races to stand together and thus be held accountable for their rights and obligations towards each other. Therefore, if the Islamic system is to be revived, it is imperative that Muslims establish a transparent justice system that protects the rights of people and does not allow any exploitation and oppression of the weak.
In short, the list is endless when it comes to the things to be done to revive the true spirit of Islam in Muslim Ummah. No matter whatever measures that Muslims take in doing so, the thing they have to remember is that the understanding of Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH) will always stand as the foundation stone on which the revival will be possible. Ignoring them takes Muslims to the condition they are presently in, therefore, the understanding and implementation of the tenets of Quran and Sunnah need to be ensured in the Muslim world for the Muslim world to return to its former glory and grandeur.