Author Archive
09 Apr 2015
Worldly Desires That Weaken/Destroy Iman (Faith)

Every religion is based on some fundamental principles that one has to firmly trust in so as to be called its rightful follower like believing in the God/gods, following the specific Prophet/Prophets and accepting their Heavenly Books as true. The Islamic Faith includes considering Allah SWT as the Only God, following the Sunnah (Way of
08 Apr 2015
7 Prevailing Signs Of The Age Of Fitnah (Trial)

The reason behind appointment of Prophets among nations over the course of earth history by Allah SWT had always been for accomplishment of essential goals. These include believing in One God, obeying all of His Messengers and taking life in this world as temporary and prepare for the Judgment Day. The Holy Prophet ﷺ of
07 Apr 2015
Significance, Method And Regulations Of Sajdah (Prostration) Tilawat

The Islamic Conviction calls for believing in One God, i.e. Allah SWT and worshiping Him alone. In this regard, Sajdah (Prostration) is a great act of attaining Nearness to the Almighty Lord and weakening the influence of Satan. Muslims all over the world perform this necessary action of completion of Islamic Faith which is the
06 Apr 2015
First Revelation – Surah Al-`Alaq (The Clot)

In His middle age, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ embarked on a spiritual journey of finding the purpose of existence on earth and True God. He used to visit a small cave of Hira present on the Peak of Jabl al Nur (Mountain of Light). At the age of 40, He (PBUH) finally received the first Revelation
06 Apr 2015
Planning and Preparation Tips For Ramadan Kareem 2015

If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Fasting is the act of abstaining from fulfilling one`s physiological needs of eating, drinking and other bodily requirements for a certain period of time. It
02 Apr 2015
9 Benefits Of Reciting Quran With Translation

The Holy Quran is the 4th and Last Sacred Book of Allah SWT that He revealed upon His Last Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ in the early 7th century A.D. It not only approves the previous Heavenly Manuscripts of the Almighty and His Prophets, but also provides a complete guideline for living a successful life here
31 Mar 2015
Meaning, Format And Benefits Of Sujood (Prostration)

It is the custom of the world that whoever invents something astonishing is praised and admired by the rest of the humankind. This mode of tribute is meant to admit the unparalleled intelligence and astuteness of the architect. Similarly, Allah SWT is the Creator of the entire universe and everything present in it also declare
31 Mar 2015
5 Questions To Be Asked On Judgement Day

Everything present in this world is short lived. Whether it is human or any other creature, none can survive on the surface of the earth forever. There are clear signs in this for everyone to realize that there is Someone Who is controlling all that is happening in the entire universe, and no doubt that
27 Mar 2015
You Will Be With Those Whom You Love

It is in human nature that a man cares for and follows the footsteps of those whom it loves and has liking for being with them. The relationships like family ties and friendships are established and kept on the basis of same principle of affection that one has for one another. The Islamic faith about
26 Mar 2015
Download Surah Muzzammil with MP3 Recitation and Translation

Surah Muzammil is a chapter of Quran which is now available in form of smartphone application and is given the name “Surah Muzammil”. It is a Smart phone application, which is developed by the (a specialized e-learning Institute that offers services in learning the Holy Quran). It contains is the 73rd Chapter of the