Author Archive
26 May 2015
Learn Arabic App – A Guide to Learn Basics of Arabic Language

“Learn Arabic” is a Smartphone application developed by (a committed e-learning academy helping Muslims all over the world learn the actual teachings of the Holy Quran) with a view to make non Arabs gain knowledge of Arabic language effectively. It assists in getting acquaintance with the correct pronunciation of the basic phrases used in
21 May 2015
Avoidance Of Taking Sins Lightly In Islam

The religion of Islam is a complete code of life which devises guidelines for its followers in every walk of life. Allah SWT sent His Last Heavenly Book, the Holy Quran on His Final Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ which contains useful instructions for Muslims. it clearly informs them about forbiddance of wrongdoings and sins like
21 May 2015
How To Strategize Ramadan Schedule

The sacred & most precious month of Ramadan is approaching fast and one must be both physically and mentally prepared for it from this very moment. Some of us mislead ourselves by having silly idea that when Ramadan arrives, we will abruptly modify our timetables and start venerating Allah SWT day and night which is
19 May 2015
Download MP3 Quran for Android & iPhone with Translations

Quran Reading is a Smartphone application developed by (a specialized online institute dedicated towards instructing Muslims to learn about teachings of Holy Quran in the best way) that lets Muslim mobile users learn Quran easily. It makes them able to comprehend the true meaning of the teachings of Sacred Book of Allah SWT with
18 May 2015
Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) – Leading Narrator Of Ahadiths

Hazrat Abu Hurraira (R.A) was born to a clan named as Daws that was situated at the coastline of the Red Sea in Yemen. His familial name was `Abd Shams (Adorer of the Sun). After he accepted the Religion of Peace, his was given a new identity, i.e. Abd al-Rahman ibn Sakhr by the Holy
18 May 2015
Ramadan Kareem – Life Transforming Time Of The Year

Ramadan is the most sacred month in the Islamic Calendar in which Muslims all over the globe keep away from eating, drinking and fulfilling other physiological needs from dawn to dusk just for the sake of Pleasure of Allah SWT. It is deduced from the Arabic word, “Ramada” which means “extreme heat”. As it is
23 Apr 2015
Surah Ash-Sharh – The Relief

Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs were living in dark ages. They used to live a meaningless life with many gods to worship. It was until the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ was given the Sacred Book of Quran containing clear instructions about One God`s veneration and many other issues of life. In
21 Apr 2015
Implications Of Mosques And Markets In Light Of Hadith

Human by nature is made free to choose between the right and the wrong. There is enough understanding of the difference between correct and incorrect kept in one`s mind and heart by Allah SWT. Besides religion, cultural norms and social gatherings also play a key role in shaping an individual`s personality resulting in adaptation to
20 Apr 2015
Implications Of Surah Al-Humazah (The Traducer)

Human history on earth shows that the demise of every civilization was due to negligence regarding the commandments of Allah SWT which His Prophets had informed them about. Whether it is about rejecting the prescribed faith by them in One God by the Apostles of the Almighty Lord or deviating from His teachings concerning social
15 Apr 2015
5 Most Unique Teachings Of The Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the 4th and Last Heavenly Book of Allah SWT that He revealed upon His Final Messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ in the early 7th Century A.D. Those who believe in this Sacred Manuscript are generally known as Muslims. This Heavenly Volume is highly unique in its contents and teachings, as the Almighty