Download Surah Al-Mulk with MP3 Recitation and Translation

Surah Al-Mulk is a Smart phone application, which is developed by QuranReading.com (a dedicated Online Academy for Quran tutoring courses). It consists of the 67th Chapter in the Sacred Book of Allah SWT, Surah Al-Mulk, which was revealed upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ in Makkah. It helps Muslims throughout the globe to read and listen to the recitation of Surah Al-Mulk with easily understandable presentation on their cell phones.
The application of Surah Al-Mulk offers Translation of verses of this chapter in English, which results in realization of the teachings of this Quranic Chapter in the best way. The Transliteration element helps in understanding the accurate method of recitation of this Holy Surah. Above all, this mobile app could be used anywhere anytime.
Some of the unique features of this mobile application are:
- Audio recitation of all 30 verses of Surah Al-Mulk is offered along with Pause and Stop options to better comprehend the recital process
- Beautiful and rhythmic voices of three famous Muslim Quran Reciters: Sudais, Ghamidi and Al Afsay are also included to suit individual`s liking
- Translation in English option lets one understand the exact meaning of the blessed lines of this Surah
- Transliteration attribute assists to identify with the correct recital of the Holy verses of this chapter
- Visible and light backgrounds are also included which greatly add to the attractive outlook of the user interface
- Font size can also be adjusted on a scale of small to large as per individual`s preference
- Go to choice helps in jumping to a specific Ayah of this Surah at anytime
- Last read option helps out in finding the previously studied verse of this chapter
- Share selection is also incorporated letting the user distribute this beautiful app with others
Download this free and easy to use Smart phone application now in order to read, listen and be aware of Surah Al-Mulk in the most excellent way.