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Download Surah Al-Mulk with MP3 Recitation and Translation

Surah Al-Mulk is a Smart phone application, which is developed by (a dedicated Online Academy for Quran tutoring courses). It consists of the 67th Chapter in the Sacred Book of Allah SWT, Surah Al-Mulk, which was revealed upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ in Makkah. It helps Muslims throughout the globe to read and listen

Importance of Time in The Light of Surah Al Asr

The entire world knows about and follows the proverb, “Time is money”. The life of a scholar at school or at college depends greatly on scheduling its course work and making a good time table in order to succeed in its exams. Same way, every other person, irrespective of its walk of life, recognizes the

A Short Summary of Ghazwa (Battle of) Badr

The origin of Islamic faith goes back to the early 7th century, when Allah SWT selected Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ as his Last Messenger. When the Holy Prophet ﷺ announced about the first Quranic Revelation and that He is the Final Apostle of the Almighty Lord, the Qureyshi idolaters and polytheists denied Him. They became worst

A Short Biography of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

Hazrat Usman (R.A) was born in 573 A.D in a highly reputed family of “Umayyah” belonging to the tribe of Qureysh in Makkah. Banu Umayyah enjoyed a great status among Qureyshi people as they had the responsibility of keeping the Flag of the whole clan. His father was “Affan bin Abul-As” and his mother was

The Rules and Signs of Stopping (Waqf) When Reading Quran

Every language is distinct in its form and structure with some definite rules and instructions of its usage. These conditions and guidelines define the correct mode of communication of any lingo in reading, writing and speaking. Although forms of speech all over the world differ in many respects due to their restrictedness to specific regions,

Importance And Benefits of Sending Durood On Prophet PBUH

The reason behind appointing Spiritual Leaders in form of Prophets within different nations by Allah SWT has always been the same, i.e. to being people towards remembrance of One God and living a life of righteousness. All the previous Messengers were chosen for specific peoples, but Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ holds distinction in this regard to

Benefits, Rewards and Method of Performing Tahajjud Prayer

  If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Salah is one of the core components of the Islamic ideology. A prayer is generally a means of remembrance of Allah SWT, and getting

The 7 Instructions of The Holy Prophet PBUH

Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ, right from His early age was a highly distinguished figure among the Qureyshi tribes. He was well known for His truthfulness and trustworthiness. Due to His greatest virtues, He was finally revealed as the Last Messenger of Allah at the age of 40. The entire life of the Holy Prophet ﷺ is

Surah Al-Waqiah – SmartPhone App with MP3 Audio & Translation

Surah Al-Waqiah is a Smartphone Application produced by (a dedicated Online Quran Teaching Academy). It consists of all 30 Ayats of this particular Chapter of the Holy Quran, which was revealed upon the Messenger ﷺ of God in Makkah. The application is available on both for Android and iOS mobile phone users and can

Surah Maryam App – With MP3 Audio Recitation & Translation

Surah Maryam is a Smartphone app, which is created by (an Online Education Centre that specializes in worldwide spreading of the true wisdom of the Holy Quran). It is the 19th Surah in the Sacred Book of Allah SWT, which was revealed upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ in Makkah. This application helps Muslims to