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Itikaf, The Night Of Qadar And The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

Ramadan is known for many things. It is known for the worldwide fasting for the whole month, which the Muslims observe from dawn till dusk every day. It is known for the increased influx of Muslims in the mosques to offer regular obligatory prayers in congregation. It is also known for the night prayer called

Daily Duas (Supplications) for 30 Days of Ramadan

  If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Ramadan is the month of fasting filled with religious and spiritual fervor. Muslims across the globe, refrain themselves from eating and drinking from dawn

Random Acts of Kindness In Ramadan

The one thing which is on the priority list of Muslims when the month of Ramadan arrives is the arrangement for Suhoor and Iftaar meals and how they are going to distribute the time of the day in prayers and performing daily chores. Thus, this notion gets propagated among Muslims, and thus they never get

Tips For Optimal Utilization Of Moments Of Ramadan

In Islam there is great emphasis being put on the living a purposeful life in which time is given importance and is utilized in an optimal manner. This care and importance of time rises to its peak during the month of Ramadan, where Muslims try to make the most out of every moment of Ramadan,

10 Hugely Rewarded Deeds to do in Ramadan 2014

For a Muslim, the golden opportunity of earning countless blessings and rewards comes in the Holy month of Ramadan. It is the month in which Muslims indulge in prayers and good deeds with greater intensity and frequency compared to what they do in normal days. Thus, Muslims wish to make the most out of each

Attaining Mercy In The First 10 Day (First Ashra) Of Ramadan

The Holy Month of Ramadan is categorized into three divisions called Three Ashras. Every division comprises of 10 days and is called ‘Ashra’. All the three Ashras of Ramadan have their own specialty and on the bases of that specialty, Muslims make according supplications for each month and try to focus their attention on the

4 Great Lessons We Can Learn from Surah Yousaf

In Quran, Allah Almighty gives the stories and anecdotes of the earlier people and Prophets, so that Muslims and people to follow till the end of times could take a lesson from them and follow the righteous path. Thus, in Quran the story of earlier times are not mere stories, rather they are facts with

Suhoor and Iftar Timings for Ramadan 2015- New York (NYC) USA

Ramadan 2015 is set to start soon which is why Muslims across the globe are eagerly waiting and preparing for this blessed month of fasting. This year, the month of fasting is likely to start on 18th or 19th of June and there would be many Muslims who at this point would be wondering about

Learning From Surah Kahf – 4 Stories with 4 Beautiful Lessons

Each and every verse of Quran is a marvel in itself and learning the verses of Quran reveals that every word of it is a pearl the equivalent of which cannot be found on the surface of this earth nor in any other book written by anyone. Therefore, every verse of Quran holds a unique

The Imperativeness of Being Generous During Ramadan

Islam is a religion that encourages generosity in its followers and gives a full code of life to Muslims. When the wealthy and fortunate ones are generous, it ultimately leads to the sharing of delights and as a result whole of the community and society is able to enjoy the blessings of Almighty which in