Author Archive
26 Jun 2014
Itikaf & Its Virtues in the Month of Ramadan

Ramadan is the Holy Month of countless blessings and mercy. From the day it starts, it aims at providing the Muslims with best chance and a great opportunity to seek forgiveness for their sins and move closer to Allah Almighty. Muslims devout to it and this devotion rises to its highest during the last ten
25 Jun 2014
How to Perform Salaat-ul-Tasbeeh [Tasbeeh Prayer]

In Islam, prayer is a mean of getting close to Allah Almighty and showing submission to His Greatness and Lordship. Muslims correctly offer prayers five times a day to make their bond with Allah Almighty strong and praise Him for all that He has bestowed upon them. Besides the prayers being an obligation for praising
23 Jun 2014
Get Prepared To Gather Blessings In Ramadan

The thing with humans is that we like to plan each and every thing that we expect from the future. We like to plan how we are going to be when we grow up, the kind of career we should chose, the kind of education we should have to follow the career path, the kind
17 Jun 2014
Praying And Making Dua During The Month Of Ramadan

If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. Ramadan is one of the Holiest months of the Islamic calendar. It is the month in which Muslims make special preparations and indulge in
16 Jun 2014
Tips on Enjoying The Ramadan Taraweeh Prayer

The month of ramadan comes with fasting, the preparations of Suhoor and the joys of Iftaar. Moreover, in this month there is no Satan to tempt nor any doors of hell open. Rather, the only thing that is open in this month is the door of Paradise. Therefore, by being good in this month and
16 Jun 2014
How to Develop Good Character During Ramadan

Besides being a month which comes with the doors of hell closed and the doors of heaven open for all those who seek forgiveness, Ramadan is also a month in which Muslims can go for increasing self control and try to make their soul and body pure by resisting all the evil temptations and moving
16 Jun 2014
Islamic Calendar- An App for Calendar/Date Conversion

Time is of essence and in order to know about history as well as to predict the future will turn out to be, the tool used by humans is of time. It is the time to which we give dates, and these dates then makeup the human history. Therefore, whether it were people of ages
15 Jun 2014
What is Zakat and How to Pay It?

Islam is a religion that gives the message of love and peace. It wants its followers to live in peace and harmony in the world along with people of other religions and assist each other in making the world a better place. It is this moto of making the world a better place and helping
13 Jun 2014
A Parental Guide For Newly Fasting Kids

The auspicious month of Ramadan is just days away. This month is the month of blessings, forgiveness and endless rewards from Allah Almighty. Therefore, Muslims all over the world observe this month with equal reverence and try making the most out of it by fasting and increasing their worship of Allah Almighty. Every year when
12 Jun 2014
7 Ways Moms Can Make Ramadan Fasting Fun for Their Kids

The greatest of influence on the life of Muslims is that instead of just providing them with a religious framework to follow, Islam is a complete code of life and has actually given Muslims a living style. Therefore, all the actions which Muslims take in daily life, all the things they do and all the