Author Archive
13 Aug 2014
Interesting Scientific Facts From Quran

The general notion pertaining to religion is that it is a set of religious dogmas, which tell the follower of the particular religion about how to conduct business and spend life. Thus, for most of the people religion is just one part of life and its representation is not in all parts of life. This
12 Aug 2014
Mandatory Conditions Of Hijab For Muslim Women

Those who truly understand Islam and have in-depth knowledge of Quran and hadith are aware of the fact the value, rights and respect that Islam gives to women is unmatchable and there is no other culture, religion or law in the world that gives women such a status that empowers and reveres them in the
11 Aug 2014
The Anti-Terrorism Stand And Preaching Of Islam

Perhaps the greatest threat that Islam faces at present is of saving its face value, which is being deteriorated and devastated because of its being affiliated with terrorism. At present Islam has become synonymous with terrorism and those who know something about Islam, that something is only the terrorist and aggressive image of Islam. Islam
07 Aug 2014
The Open Challenge Of Holy Quran To Disbelievers

All the superlative quality attributes such as Power, Might, Strength, Wisdom, Foresight, Planning, Management and so on are associated with Allah Almighty in Islam. For Muslims, He is the Supreme in everything and everything that is created by Him is resultantly unmatchable and unsurpassable. In everything there are His Signs and everything points towards His
06 Aug 2014
Simple Plan To Carry On The Spirit Of Ramadan Rest Of Year

Ramadan – The Holiest of Islamic months just ended. In this month, Muslims made special arrangements to worship and praise Allah Almighty. Muslims all over the world kept fast, offered regular prayers, maintained Taraweeh and did as much charitable deeds as possible to ensure that they make full use of this month and gather blessings
24 Jul 2014
Eid-Ul-Fitr Is A Beautiful Gift From Almighty Allah After Ramadan

The end of the Holy month of Ramadan is marked by the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. It is one of the most celebrated occasions that are awaited by Muslims throughout the year. With the beginning of the month of Ramadan, Muslims start eying the end of it, which would come with the amenities, and celebrations
24 Jul 2014
The Importance Of Fasting Six Days in Shawal After Ramadan

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the Islamic Calendar; during with the true disciples of Islam fulfill the 4th Pillar of Islam, i.e. fasting for 30 consecutive days in order to please the Almighty Lord. Muslims throughout the world keep away from fulfilling their physiological needs like eating and drinking etc. along with maintaining
23 Jul 2014
Learn Dua e Qunoot – Word by Word App For Witr Prayer

Learn Dua e Qunoot is an Islamic learning app specifically designed for you to be able to read, memorize, and recite the dua in an interactive way. Dua e Qunoot is required to be recited in the Witr prayer at night. However, it has been found that many Muslims across the globe find it hard
23 Jul 2014
Eid-Ul-Fitr – Duties And Obligations

With the start of the month of Ramadan, where Muslims plan how they are going to spend each and every moment of this month with good deeds, prayer and worship of Allah Almighty, they also plan on how they are going to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr that would come at the end of Ramadan. The Eid after
22 Jul 2014
Muhammad (PBUH) – So Simple Yet So Special

The belief that none is above and better than the personality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not merely a belief, rather the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is an example of the greatest conduct and perfect behavior. Therefore, the respect, which Muslims have for Him, is backed by examples of His experiences spread throughout His