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Important Tips on Preparation For Hajj- Part II

This post is in continuation to the earlier post about the tips related to preparation for Hajj. The earlier post discussed some general and some critical tips that can help the pilgrims in performing the rituals of Hajj without any hassle. This post is a bit specific when it comes to tips for Hajj preparations.

35 Facts about the Quran Revelation

The most read book throughout the world, The Holy Quran, is the last book of Allah (SWT) carrying the message of mercy, forgiveness and peace for all mankind. The Holy Quran was revealed more than 1400 years ago to the last messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the final word to call the mankind

Seven Persons Who Will Be Under The Shade Of Allah On Judgment Day

Like majority of other religions of this world, Islam is also based on the concept of reward and punishment. Those who do good deeds and stick to the path of righteousness are rewarded both in this world and in the world hereafter, whereas those who do the contrary are punished. The ones who are blessed

Facts about the Holy Quran

Quran is the Holy Book of Muslims and it is guidance for all humanity. Quran was revealed by Allah SWT on His last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The holy book is followed by every Muslim. Millions of Muslims recite it daily and memorize it. The Quran provides a code of life for all humans to

Kids Kalma Series – An App to Learn 6 Kalma Word by Word

Kids Kalma Series is an interactive educational application developed for Muslim smartphone users by with the feature of word by word recitation, translation, and transliteration. The six Kalma of Islam are a manifestation of faith for every Muslim. Hence the memorization and understanding of these Kalma in Arabic is advised for Muslim children and

Teachings Of Quran That Can Turn World Into A Better Place To Live

The world we live in today is not the same as in which people of ages used to live. Although we have progressed and developed in the fields of technology and better living standards, however, the thing that has declined in that process is the value of humans in general and the existence of humanity

10 Great Tips to Raise A Muslim Kid

Children are the future of a generation, therefore, when couples become parents their primary focus is upon raising the kids in the best manner possible. There focus is on eliminating the factors, which they think bad and bring in the factors, which they think, are good and necessary for the upbringing of their children. The

Islam Emphasizes On Equal Learning Opportunities For Both Men And Women

The fact cannot be denied that in the world of today if a nation or a country does not emphasize and focus on educating its people then the future of such people is doomed and they can neither compete nor survive in the fierce competition this world has at present. Therefore, all the members of

Islam Is True Divine Belief Because Of Protected Quran

A Muslim has the belief that Islam is the true religion which is complete in every regard and there is nothing about the religion that can be deemed flawed or the authenticity of it can be questioned. This belief of Muslims in the authenticity of Islam is due to the fact that in Quran Allah

Kids Dua Now – App with Islamic Duas for Muslim Children

Kids Dua Now is a Word By Word Islamic Duas application developed by to facilitate young Muslim children in learning important Islamic daily duas. This app has word by word recitation, translation and transliteration of daily duas for Muslims to use in everyday life. Kids Dua Now is available on iTunes and Google Playstore