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Menstruation During Ramadan- Worship in Ramadan for Menstruating Women

Ramadan is the month of fasting in which Muslims all over the world participate. It is obligatory for Muslims to fast except children, sick, old, or the women who are in the menstruation cycle. Women on their menstruation cycle are exempt from fasting and praying also unable to join in the major religious practices of

Importance of Three Ashra’s of Ramadan with their Duas

Ramadan is the 9th and one of the most blessed months of Islamic Calendar. The blessed month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims worldwide as an act of fasting to commemorate the revelation of the Quran on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as per Islamic dogmas. The ritual of fasting among Muslims redirects the heart away from

Importance of Learning The Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is a divine book and the word of Allah. The meaning that carries the Noble Quran is unmatchable and not to be found in any other book in the world. In addition to the depth of meaning that the verses of Quran carry, there is also its sublime language that it makes

9 Tips for Memorizing the Holy Quran

Every Muslim wants to memorize the Quran by heart. Most of the Muslims complain that they don’t have enough time to devote to the memorization of the Quran due to their hectic daily life routine. Quran memorization is a spiritual and physical project that is a little bit difficult for those who just want to

Significance of Ramadan in Quran and Hadith

The month of Ramadan holds great importance in the life of Muslims. Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, which also include prayer and charity. Ramadan is the month of fasting in which Muslims abstain from eating or drinking from dawn to dusk, they also refrain from

Things you should know about Ramadan- The Month of Fasting

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan is the month of fasting in which Muslims all over the globe make fast in which they abstain from food water from dawn to dusk. Not only this but Muslims also refrain from all inappropriate things in favour of prayer and spirituality of this

Quran and Technology-Learn Quran Online

The Holy Quran is the last heavenly book of Allah Almighty revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The language of the Holy Quran is Arabic. Muslims recite the Quran in their prayers and also recite it other than prayers. As we all know that the sacred book of Quran is full of information that

Best Duas that Every Muslim Should Recite

Muslims strongly believe in making Duas to Almighty Allah. In times of hardships when Muslims feel spiritual lows, their hearts become hard and days become empty then they remember Allah (SWT) for seeking guidance and comfort of heart. Muslims believe that Allah is the Most Loving, He is bigger than our problems and surely will

Surahs to Recite for Seeking Forgiveness from Almighty Allah

In the Islamic perspective, a Sin is an act which goes against Allah Almighty’s commands. Human being commits sins no one is perfect, it is part of human nature. Sin is something to be avoided as they not only harm us but also distract us from the purpose and aim of our life as well.

How to Perform Salat ul Tasbeeh (Prayer of Forgiveness)-Method & Benefits

Salat ul Tasbih or prayer of forgiveness is a special prayer having great virtues and benefits for Muslims. Namaz-e-Tasbeeh is one of the voluntary prayers and it is not mandatory to perform Salat ul Tasbih, but every Muslim must try to offer Salat ul Tasbeeh prayer whenever the chance becomes available in life. Our beloved Prophet