Author Archive
23 May 2019
Things You Should Know About Zakat Al-Fitr

Zakat al-Fitr or Sadaqat ul Fitr is the amount of charity which is distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadan. Zakat al-Fitr is the Wajib on every Muslim and it has to pay before offering Eid prayer. However, it can be paid earlier than that to enable the poor to provide their needs for
22 May 2019
Tips to Stay Energized and Maximize the last 10 Days of Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of fasting each and every day of this holy month is no less than a blessing. Muslims make most of this time and earn a lot of Allah’s mercy, forgiveness and blessings. We should attain a higher level of spirituality in Ramadan. If you want to make your Ramadan spiritually and
21 May 2019
Daily Dua Plan for Ramadan | When, How and What to ask for

Ramadan is the month of fasting, the blessed month in which Allah Almighty show countless blessings on Muslims and forgives those who seek forgiveness from Him. Ramadan is the month of mercy and forgiveness. One of the most generous blessings of the month of Ramadan is the opportunity of having our Duas to be accepted.
20 May 2019
Good Deeds you should do during Ramadan

Muslims recharge their Imaan (faith) for the entire year during the blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is not just about keeping away from food, but everything Muslims do during this holy month causes them to develop Taqwa (piety) for the entire life. Ramadan is an Islamic month which is a name of sacrifice and atonement
17 May 2019
Importance, Virtues and Benefits of Performing Umrah in Ramadan

Ramadan is the blessed month which holds the immense importance in the life of Muslims who fast from dawn to dusk for the sake of Allah (SWT). Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and obligatory for every Muslim to observe fast in the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims are also required to
16 May 2019
Significance of Suhoor and Iftar during Ramadan in the light of Hadiths

The blessed month of Ramadan is all about fasting and following the commands of Allah Almighty. Fasting is not just abstaining from eating or drinking but to refrain from all inappropriate activities for the sake of Allah (SWT). There are countless opportunities to take advantage of during this holy month and Muslims seek repentance for
14 May 2019
Tips to Eat Right and Stay Healthy During Ramadan

Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk in the holy month of Ramadan. It is important to get proper nourishment between Iftar and suhoor in order to be prepared for the next day of fasting. Fasting requires a lot of energy and commitment on part of each individual, especially when Ramadan is
13 May 2019
Prayers for the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadar)

Laylatul Qadar is described as the night of power, the night of decree or the night of forgiveness, which is to apologize on your sins and in this blessed night a single deed done is better than the deeds done in one thousand months such as reciting Quran and performing voluntary prayers. The Holy Quran
10 May 2019
Hugely Rewarded Deeds to do in Ramadan

The blessed month of Ramadan is the golden opportunity for Muslims to earn greater rewards from Allah Almighty. In the blessed month of Ramadan Muslims indulge in prayers and good deeds with greater intensity and frequency compared to what they do in normal days. Thus, Muslims wish to make the most out of each and
09 May 2019
10 Reasons Why to Learn Quran

The Holy Quran is the word of Allah Almighty. The construct it has, the meaning it carries are unmatchable and not to be found in any other book of the world. In addition to the depth of meaning that the verses of Quran carry, there is also its sublime language that it makes it apart