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Shab e Barat in the light of Hadiths

Shab e Barat is celebrated in the month of Shaban which is the 8th month of Islamic calendar. Muslims all across the world celebrate Shab e Barat with religious zest and make special preparations for this night in the form of standing up in prayers all night and keeping fast the next day. The 15th of

How to Perform Salat al Istikhara | The Prayer of Guidance

Salat al Istikhara is a prayer of guidance recited during times of uncertainty or doubt.  Whenever a Muslim is making a decision, he/she should seek Allah’s guidance and wisdom in every matter of life. “Istikhara” means to seek rightness from Allah (SWT), meaning when one intends to do an important task, they do Istikhara before

Quranic Duas that Every Muslim Must Memorize and Recite Daily

Quran is the book of Almighty Allah revealed on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Holy Quran is the book of guidance from which you can learn everything related to religion or even a small matter of everyday life. The need of the hour is to read the Quran in order to comprehend its Message in the most

What is Zakat? Concept, Purpose and Importance of Zakat in Islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam which is compulsory on every financially stable Muslim who is wealthy enough to afford to it. Zakat is an Arabic word which means purification. Allah Almighty mentioned in the Holy Quran: “Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them” (Quran 9:103). Zakat is basically the compulsory

Significance of 15th Shaban (Shab-e-Barat) in Islam

Muslims celebrate most of the Islamic events according to the lunar Islamic calendar. Shab e Barat is one of the most prominent Islamic rituals that Muslims celebrate in the month of Shaban which is the 8th month of Islamic calendar. Muslims all over the world celebrate Shab e Barat with religious interest and make special preparations

Prayers and Duas for Shab e Barat 15th Shaban

Shaban is the 8th month of the Islamic calendar. Shab e Barat is one of the most celebrated events of Islamic calendar in the month of Shaban. Shab e Barat is the night of 15th of Shaban when Muslims indulge in prayers, ask Duas and praise Allah Almighty. There is a controversy among Muslims on

Merits and Virtues of Fasting in the Month of Shaban

The Islamic calendar composed of twelve months. Each month of the Islamic calendar has its religious as well as historical significance. There are few months in the Islamic lunar calendar that holds a superior status compared to other months and because of this they are given more value and respect by the Muslims. One of

Significance of the Month of Shaban-The Month of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

The Holy Month of Shaban is the 8th month of Islamic calendar and is one of the fourth sacred months for which we find particular instructions in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Shaban is the 2nd month of worship in command to make arrangements for the blessed and magnificent month of Ramadan. The Muslims have

How to Perform Salat ul Hajat | The Prayer of Need

Muslims are obligated to perform prayers five times a day. Apart from compulsory Namaz, there is great importance of Nawafil prayers, which are a means to gain something extra include Salatul Istikhara and Tahajjud and Salatul Hajat, etc. It is said that requests made to the Creator of this universe on some special occasions are never

Stages of Life in Islam

Islam is the religion of peace those who embrace Islam are known as Muslims. Holy Quran is the book of Almighty Allah for the guidance of mankind, revealed on the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Religion Islam is based on five pillars: Tawheed Zakat Salah Fasting Hajj These five pillars are the life of Muslims and