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What is Hijab and Why Muslim Women wear it? Types of Hijab

Hijab is referred with many names most commonly known as veil or headscarf that Muslim women wear to cover. Muslim women wear to covering called Hijab which is an Arabic word means to “cover” or to conceal or hide from view. There’s much more to the Islamic dress code for women than the hijab.  Muslim

Some Amazing Facts about the Holy Kaaba-The House of Allah

Muslims face the Holy Kaaba in Mecca Saudi Arabia for five daily prayers. Holy Kaaba is a cube-shaped stone structure that was built by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son Hazrat Ismail (AS) on the same foundations where Prophet Adam (AS) is believed to have built a holy place for the worship of the One

Good Morals in Islam | List of some good Morals

Islam is the religion of peace, love, and respect for all mankind. Religion Islam covers all aspects of life in which character formation is the most important aspect of Islamic personality. So, we can see that the goal of Islam related to the concepts, worships, and teachings relating to values, attitudes, morals, and behavior is

List of Islamic Golden Age Inventions by Muslims

Muslims golden age period remained for nearly 1000 years from 8th to 16th centuries. The Islamic Golden Age refers to a period in the history of Islam during which much of the historically Islamic world was ruled by various caliphates and science, economic development, and cultural works flourished resulted in a number of inventions and

The Importance and Significance of Adhan in Islam

Salah (Nimaz) is an important part of religion Islam. Salah is obligatory on every Muslim commanded by Allah Almighty and Muslim must offer it five times a day. Through Nimaz we can communicate with Allah (SWT) also it is the highest form of earning the closeness of our Creator the Allah Almighty. Adhan is an

Importance of Jummah | Some Facts about the Day of Jummah

Friday or Jummah is an important day of the week for Muslims. The literal meaning of Jummah (Friday) is congregation. On the day of Jummah Muslims offer Jummah prayer and for this prayer, special time is taken. The day of Jummah has many religious significances and virtues associated with it. Jummah prayer is obligatory for

Prophets and Messengers in Islam | Names of Prophets mentioned in Quran

Allah Almighty chose Prophets or Messengers to communicate with mankind and to convey the purpose of existence to humans.  Allah (SWT) sent clear and practical instructions through Prophets. Muslims believe that a prophet was selected for every nation at some point in its history. Prophets and Messengers were sent for the guidance of mankind and

Status of Teachers in Islam | Rights of Teachers

Teaching is one of the most respectful and valuable professions in the world. In religion Islam, this profession has more importance as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) introduced himself as a teacher. Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran:  “Like (a favor which you have already received) in that We have sent among you a Messenger

The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs of Islam

A caliphate in Arabic “Khilafa” is the state which is ruled by an Islamic leader who is known as caliph (Khalifah). A caliph is a person who is considered as the religious successor of the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and rules the entire Muslim community. A caliph’s job was to provide Muslims with the most

Importance of Five Pillars of Islam with Benefits

Every religion has its foundation on which people live their lives. Just like religion, Islam has five pillars which are the foundation of Muslims life and they are required to follow them with utmost devotion, love, and obedience. If the believer wants to establish a strong and stable relationship with his/her Lord then must observe