Hazrat Fatima (RA) | Perfect Example for all Women

Hazrat Fatima (RA) was born in Makkah on the 20th day of the Islamic month Jumada Al-Thani (615 AD). Hazrat Fatima Zahra (RA) is the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) the last messenger of Allah Almighty. The mother of Hazrat Fatima (RA) was a noble lady named Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA), a pious woman with unparalleled virtues and merits, who dedicated all her life and wealth for the sake of Islam. Hazrat Fatima Zahra (RA) is the wife of Hazrat Ali (RA) who is the leader of all believers and mother of the masters of the youths of heaven Imam Hassan (RA) and Imam Hussain (RA).
Hazrat Fatimah (RA) was different from all women due to her high qualities and noble characteristics that took Her (RA) to the highest rank of virtue and perfection. She (RA) was an example of her father’s morals and mentality. She was an ideal example in faith, worship, chastity, purity, charity, and kindness to the poor and needy.
Below in this article, we will describe some characteristics of Hazrat Fatima (RA) who is a perfect example for all women of this world.
- Hazrat Fatima (RA) an Infallible: The highest degree of humanity is infallibility (faithfulness). Hazrat Fatima (RA) was infallible, this is an absolute fact. Allah Almighty had purified her from every sin and every defect, blessed her with all virtues to make her an example for all the women of the world.
- Charity to the Poor: Hazrat Fatima (RA) was very kind to the poor and needy people. She was charitable as on her wedding day She (RA) wore a new dress and when she found about the young lady from Ansar could not find anything to wear; she gave her wedding dress to that young lady. Moreover, Hazrat Fatima (RA) milled wheat and barley for her poor neighbors who were unable to do that. She carried water to her weak neighbors who could not get water. She (RA) turned down this world for the sake and pleasure of Allah Almighty.
- Led a Simple Life full of Virtues: Hazrat Fatima (RA) led a simple life just like her father Prophet Muhammad (SAW). She never falls into this world; she always did good to people so that Allah Almighty can be happy with her. She (RA) lived in a two-room house made out of clay, wore the simplest garments from head to toe, grinded wheat and barley with her bare hands to prepare a meal for her family, and attended to her four children with utmost love and mercy. Hazrat Fatima (RA) had high moral virtues. Life of Hazrat Fatima (RA) is full of spiritual behavior.
- Chastity and Veiling: Hazrat Fatima (RA) is the highest example in Chastity, Honor and Veiling for all Muslim women around the globe. Religion Islam considers the protection of the dignity and character of women for their happiness and sincerity. When we study about the life of Hazrat Fatima (RA), we come to know that she was very active in her personal and social life but with all this, she was so careful in safeguarding her dignity and self-respect that in spite of her activities, she never associated with any strangers. The chastity and veiling of Hazrat Fatima (RA) is the highest example that every woman who wants to live an honorable life in the society.
- Faith in Allah Almighty: There is no doubt in the deep faith of Hazrat Fatima (RA) on Allah Almighty. Definitely, no one can suspect the unequaled faith and worship of Hazrat Fatima (RA). She spent most of her days and nights in worshipping Allah (SWT). Imam Hassan (RA) said, that some night I saw my Mother – Fatima Zahra (RA) offering Maghrib prayers and she prayed until the morning light appears. He (RA) further said that she used to take every believer man and woman name in her prayers, she never prayed for herself but prayed for the believer man and woman. He (RA) asked her (RA) “Why do you not pray to Allah for yourself mother?” She (RA) said, “O my son, the neighbor (first) and then the house.”
- Perfect Marital Relationship: Hazrat Fatima (RA) got married to Hazrat Ali (RA). After Her (RA) marriage, she led a simple life; her dowry consisted of simple things that are her basic needs only. Hazrat Ali (RA) used to look after outside work while she (RA) looks after her house and children Hassan (RA) and Hussain (RA). She showed immense courage by standing next to her father Muhammad Prophet (SAW) and her Husband Ali (RA).
Above mentioned were some of the great qualities of Hazrat Fatima (RA) which we can implement in our daily life routine and can earn great virtues. By following the footsteps of Hazrat Fatima (RA) every woman in this world can earn Jannah. Hazrat Fatima (RA) is a perfect embodiment of kindness for all women of this world.