Virtues of Visiting the Sick | Some Etiquettes in Religion Islam

Islam is the complete code of life. One of many beauties of Islam is that it corresponds with the human beings natural temper or tendency in every aspect of life. As a human being, we feel sympathy and mercy for those who are sick. Islam also emphasizes on bringing these qualities in our lives. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said in one of his hadith: “Show compassion to those on earth, the One in the heavens will show mercy upon you.”
Islam invites us to the good deeds and warns us to stay away from bad ones. One of the good deeds is to visit the sick and depressed. When people visit each other in their bad times or during their hardships then the bond of brotherhood and friendship are build up. Visiting the sick is the clearest signs of mutual love, mercy, and empathy on Muslim brother. More than that, visiting the sick is a major responsibility that every single Muslim is obligated to fulfill.
In Islam Muslim is encouraged with concern for his Muslim brother during the three phases of his worldly existence these are his health, sickness and his death. When Muslim is suffering from illness it’s obligatory on other Muslim to ask Allah Almighty to have mercy on him. Allah Almighty explained the greatness and importance of rewards and blessings upon visiting the sick. Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, God the Mighty and Majestic will say: ‘O child of Adam! I became sick and you did not visit me!’ The person will say, ‘O Lord, how can I visit you and you are the Lord of all that Exists!’ God will say, ‘Did you not know that my slave ‘so and so’ became sick, and you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you visited him, you would have found me with him?’” (Sahih Muslim)
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) led many examples of what Allah said in Holy Quran. Just like other things Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to visit the sick personally and also enquire after them through others. Prophet (SAW) said: “Visit the sick, feed the hungry and free the one who is imprisoned (unjustly).” (Sahih Bukhari)
We all are familiar with the example of a pagan woman who used to throw garbage on Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whenever he passed her house. One day, the noticeable absence of the Prophet’s wrongdoer concerned him so much that he enquired after her. When he learned of her sickness, he visited her. She was so taken surprised by his merciful concern and she embraced Islam.
Allah Almighty says in Quran: “Repel (the evil of your foe) with what is better: then lo! The one between whom and you was enmity (will become to you) as if he were a dear friend.” (Quran, 41:34)
There is a great reward for them who visit the sick as mentioned by our beloved Prophet (SAW) in one of his hadith in these words: “A Muslim visiting his sick brother (or sister) will continue to be in the harvest of paradise until he or she returns home.”
There is another hadith in which Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “when you visit a sick person, speak in a reassuring way to him (about his age and his life).’ (For instance, tell him, ‘Alhamdulillah, your health has improved’ or ‘Insha Allah you will get better soon.’) Saying this will not delay what is predestined, but it will certainly make him feel happy.” (Tirmidhi)