Virtues of Reciting Last 10 Surahs of Quran

Every Muslim needs to learn the Quran in order to get a better understanding of the religion of Islam. We must recite Quran daily and also try hard to memorize it by heart. If someone can’t memorize the whole Quran he/she must memorize the last 10 Surahs of the Quran. The last 10 Surahs of the Quran are short and easy to memorize. These Surahs are short in word length but they have the deeper meaning that we all should understand.

The last ten Surahs of the Quran are the précised Surahs that carry a great message for Muslims. Besides, from a historical perspective as well, the last ten Surahs of the Quran tell about different incidents that happened in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the pre-Islamic era. Below mentioned are the last 10 Surahs of the Quran with their importance and benefits:
Surah Feel
Surah Feel is a Makki Surah because it was revealed in Makah. Surah Feel refers to the well known historical event that happened in the birth year of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in which Allah Almighty protected His house Kaaba from enemies who came while riding on the backs of elephants to destroy Allah’s house. This surah is a warning against the proud, arrogant pagans to make them aware that they have no power to stand in the way of the Power of Allah. Surah Feel reminds the Supreme Power of Allah.
- Recitation of Surah Feel is useful in staying safe from deceitful oppressor rulers.
- It is narrated from Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (RA) that whoever recites Surah Feel in his fard prayers, the mountains will bear witness on the Day of Judgment that he prayed and he will be taken to Jannah on the command of Allah.
Surah Quraysh
In Surah Quraysh, Allah Almighty reminds the people of Quraysh about His many blessings upon them. He mentions in this Surah how He has placed them as head of Allah’s House, and how He allows the people of Quraysh to be revered by all those in Arabia. Allah Almighty makes specifically mentioned the fact that the Quraysh can go on trade caravans to both the East and the West, in both winter and summer, in peace and safety.
- Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that who recites Surah Quraysh will get the reward of ten times the number of people performing Tawaaf and I’tekaaf.
- Whoever recites Surah Quraysh before dawn, Allah Almighty will make it simple for him to get his food.
- Those who have heart problem should recite Surah Quraysh gently blow into some drinking water and drink it Allah will make him healthy Insha Allah.
Surah Maun
This Surah speaks about the character of the people who were against the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These are the people who did not believe on the Day of Judgment, they drove the poor away did not encourage feeding the hungry, were heedless of their prayer and whatever prayer they offered it was merely for the display to people. Thus, Allah Almighty warns these people in this Surah regarding the punishment they are going to face in the hereafter.
- The sins of those who recite Surah Maun will be forgiven.
- Whoever recited this Surah hundred times after the Fajr prayer will stay safe until the following day’s Fajr time.
Surah Kauthar
The people of Quraysh not only disbelieved on our beloved Prophet (SAW) but also opposed Him. Many of them teased Him and even celebrated at the death of His son. This was when Allah (SWT) reminded the Prophet (SAW) that He has for the Prophet Al-Kauthar, a river in paradise. Surah Kauthar is the Surah that was revealed on that time. Kauthar is the river from which believers will be given a drink on the Day of Judgment. The word Kauthar also means “an abundance of goodness”, and most certainly has the Prophet (SAW) been given an abundance of goodness. Straight after, Allah orders the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to keep up his prayers and to sacrifice for the cause of Allah. Allah ends the surah by making it clear that whoever is opposed to the Prophet (SAW) will be cut off from all that is good.
- The individual, who recites Surah Kauthar in any of his supplications or Duas, will drink from the wellspring of Kauthar in the hereafter.
- The reward for reciting Surah Kauthar is compared to ten times the number of cattle slaughtered on Eid-ul-Adha every year until the Day of Judgment.
Surah Kafiroon
Surah Kafiroon is one of the renowned 4 Quls of the Holy Quran. In this Surah, Allah Almighty tells Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to make it clear to the non-believers that their religion and the religion Islam are different from one another. They would never worship which He worshiped and He would never ever worship what they worship. Surah Kafiroon gives a message to the Muslims that they should stick to their religion and not follow anyone else’s and those who deny them they should be left to their own religion.
- The recitation of Surah Kafiroon takes off Shaitaan and keeps one safe from Shirk.
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that reciting Surah Kafiroon carries the reward of reciting a quarter of the Holy Quran.
- Recitation of this Surah before sleeping keeps one safe the whole night.
Surah Nasr
Surah Nasr is a guarantee from Allah Almighty that victory will come for the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Prophet is told of the multitudes of people who will accept Islam. However, the believers are reminded to remain humble at victory and to glorify Allah, seek His forgiveness and turn back to Him!
- Whoever recites Surah Nasr in the prayers ensures that his prayers are accepted.
- An individual who recites this Surah frequently is held in the same status as those who were with the Holy Prophet (SAW) when Makah was conquered.
Surah Lahab
This surah is about one of the worst enemies of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Abu Lahab. He was the greatest oppose of Prophet (SAW) and his wife was also the partner in all that he did against Prophet (SAW). In this Surah, Allah Almighty tells that both of them are the resident of hell and they are the fuel of the fire of hell.
- Recitation of Surah Lahab is good for relieving back pains and reciting it before sleeping keeps one safe in the night.
Surah Ikhlaas
Surah Ikhlaas is the most comprehensive definition of who Allah is, and knowing it well is enough for us to be safe from disbelief and shirk. The verses of Surah Ikhlaas are the most quoted verses when it comes to explaining the message of the Oneness of Allah in Islam.
- Recitation of Surah Ikhlaas is compared to reciting one third of the Holy Quran.
- The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once advised a poor person to say ‘salaam’ always when entering his house, even if there was nobody there, and then recite Surah al-Ikhlaas. After a little while, the man became abundantly wealthy.
- One should also recite Surah Ikhlaas before going to sleep.
Surah Falaq
Surah Falaq is a supplication that is directed towards seeking refuge in Allah Almighty from all the evils, black magic and from the effects of jealousy.
- Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that who recites Surah Falaq in the month of Ramadan in any of his prayers; it is as if he has fasted in Makah and he will get the reward for performing Hajj and Umrah.
Surah Naas
Surah Naas teaches a Dua to seek refuge in Allah from all the attacks which come from inner self and to seek refuge in Shaytan who wants to arouse in ourselves doubts and desires which might destroy our belief in Allah Almighty.
- Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (RA) said who recites Surah Naas in his house every night, will be kept safe from Jinnaat and the evil designs of Shaytan.
In short, every Muslim must try to memorize these last 10 Surahs and recite them either in prayer or whenever the chance becomes available.