Signifying Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (12th Rabi-Ul-Awwal) From Qur’an And Hadith Perspective

Celebrating in an event of happiness to express joy is quite human. That is why we find almost all religions and cultures of the world with such celebrations, allowing their followers to express and emanate their auspiciousness regarding any particular event. Same is the case with Muslims. Muslim Ummah celebrates a few occasions every year globally, marking their joy and gratefulness to Allah Almighty for endowing them with such blessings.
Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH)
Out of all Islamic months, Rabi-Ul-Awwal holds the honor of being the month when humanity was endowed with the most valuable of all gifts from Almighty Allah, i.e. the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This happened more than 1400 years ago when humanity was passing through darkest of its periods. Ever since then, the fate of humanity in general and the fate of followers of Muhammad (PBUH) in particular, had been miraculously turned towards positivity, as emanated from the great teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In fact, Allah Almighty reveals to us in the Holy Scripture of Qur’an that:
“We have sent him (Muhammad saw) as a source of mercy for the A’alimeen (humans, jinns and all else that exists),” (Surah 21.Al- Anbiya: Verse 107).
Linguistic experts are of opinion that the word “Milad” is a derivative of “viladat”, meaning birth. It means “Milad” as a word is used to signify the time and place of a particular birth. The whole word as it is mentioned here “Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (PBUH)” signifies of celebration and joy for Muslims in particular and the whole world in general, for getting blessed with the biggest honor from Allah Almighty to them in form of last of the prophets, Muhammad (PBUH).
Milad in relation to Quran
Quran, the Holy Scripture according to which Muslims are to live their lives, also contains content that suggests praising and celebrating the day when prophets (PBUT) of Allah Almighty are born. The following verse of Quran reveals the same as in case of Hazrat Yahya (A.S):
“The peace is on Him the day when he was born and the day when he will die and the day when he will be raised alive.” (Sura Al-Maryam, Verse 15)
This verse mentioned here is in connection with the complete Milad of Allah’s Prophet, Hazrat Yahya (A.S) as mentioned in great detail in the concurrent verses and chapter. Similarly, another narration also exhibits expressions of joy and celebration in relation to the birth of Hazrat Isa (A.S) (or Jesus), also in the same chapter of Qur’an:
“And the same peace on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I would be raised alive.”
(Holy Quran, Sura Al Maryam, Verse 33)
Comprehensive Quran Learningleads us to conclusion that Milad of a prophet is deemed as a praiseworthy event by Allah Almighty Himself. Based upon such inferences, it is quite logical to conclude that Eid Milad-Un-Nabi (celebrated on 12th of Rabbi-al-Awwal) should be an exceptional day of celebration for the followers of Allah (SW)’s last prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Eid Milad-Ul-Nabi (PBUH) in relation to Hadith
Hadith (descriptive narrations from Prophet PBUH) comes second to Quran for every Muslim to take heed from. There are many ahadith that signify the importance of Eid Milad-Un-Nabi, such as:
The one who rejoices on the birth day of the Holy Prophet would not be severely punished and it is hoped that a Muslim who celebrate the Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him), will not be punished in hell. Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah Alaih narrates that Abu Lahab would be punished lightly in the hell on Monday. Because he rejoiced and freed his handmaid indicating by his finger, when the Prophet of Allah Almighty (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) took birth. So as a reward of happiness on Milad un Nabi (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) he would be given water by his finger. (Saheehul Bukhari Vol. 2, Page 764)
For Muslims, having true faith is incomplete unless they love and respect Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than anything else, as evident from the following hadhith as well:
“None of you becomes a believer until I am dearer to him than his children, his parents and all mankind.” (as reported by Bukhari and Muslim)
That alone should serve a reason more than enough to express your joy and happiness for the greatest of gifts from Allah Almighty to humanity as true Muslims; so make the most of it this year as well.