Quranic Duas for Different Occasions in Arabic

Today everyone is so busy in his life; no one has enough time to read books for supplications and Duas for learning them. The supplications have so much importance in our life because we are Muslim and we believe on Duas. In this article, we elaborate on the status, importance, and etiquettes of dua and supplications in Islam. We will also discuss the types, importance, and benefits of Dua. We have collected most of these Islamic Duas which are very beneficial for our daily life. This App “Muslim Dua Now – Dua & Azkar” is available for free for IOS and Android devices, just download it from links provided below depending on your device.
Types of Dua:
We have different types of duas which we should learn and use in our daily life routine. Some of them are mentioned below:
- Duas for ablution(Wudu).
- Duas for hearing Adhan.
- Duas for entering and leaving mosques.
- Duas for before and after eating.
- Duas for entering and leaving home.
- Duas for pain in the body.
- Duas for protection from evil.
- Duas for dressing and undressing.
- Duas for wearing new clothes.
- Duas for ease in difficult times and much more.
Importance of Dua
Allah has created man to worship Him and the greatest and the noblest form of worship is seeking Dua from Allah alone. Dua has such a noble status that every Muslim should know the importance of making Dua. Its significance is mentioned in Quran as:
وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ
“Call me! I will answer” (Quran 40:60)
Means “You can call Me during the day or night, on weekdays or weekend; any time you call Me, I am available.” Every Dua which we learn, read and ask from Allah has significant. We should say Dua is a form of worship. We should learn these Duas in Arabic as it is the best language to talk to Allah. Learn Duas in Arabic with their translation to understand their meaning.
Benefits of Dua
There are countless benefits in making Duas from Allah (SWT), not only during testing times but also to show gratitude or seek protection when things are going smoothly. There are many challenges in life, but our ultimate purpose in this world is to Allah. What better way to worship Allah than to trust in His decree and ask Him alone to fulfill our supplications? Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said, “Dua is worship.” (Tirmidhi)
So we can say that Dua has great importance with innumerable benefits. Some benefits of making Dua are
- When we seek dua from Allah it is for sure to be fulfilled by Allah (SWT)
- Dua is a gateway to talk to Allah and also to receive His mercy
- Dua is powerful enough so that it can change our destiny
- Dua keeps our heart humble
- Dua results in Allah’s blessings
- Implementing Duas in daily life can make our life peaceful
From all things which we have discussed above we can say that we should make Dua from Allah whether what’s the situation in our life Allah will surely listen and fulfill our acceptable wishes which are beneficial for us. We should also learn Duas in the Arabic language which we have to use in our daily life routine as mentioned above in the types of Duas heading. These duas are very useful to make our life full of blessings and peace.
There are a variety of activities that a person commits in daily life routine. No matter whichever activity is undertaken, it is imperative that the help and blessings of Allah Almighty be asked for it and if there is a proper Dua available for it, then it must be memorized and recited while performing the activity.
Muslim Dua series, developed an app “Muslims Dua Now” is a great collection of Islamic duas. It’s a companion you need to make your life and hereafter better. Download this app as it allows you to stay connected with Allah through prayers. The app works flawlessly on both Android and IOS platforms.