Preparations for Rabi-ul-Awwal at the family level

Rabi-ul Awaal is approaching and its celebration preparations are getting planned already. The reason behind the significance of Rabi-ul-Awwal is the birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW). All the Muslims love the personality of the Holy Prophet (SAW) beyond everything. Therefore, Rabi-ul-Awwal celebrations are conducted at all levels of Muslim communities. In this article, we will provide you a comprehensive plan to celebrate this holy month.
1. Family Awareness
Look forward to creating an understanding of the month at the family level especially for children. For this purpose, ensure combined family meetings regularly for the first 11 days of Rabi-ul-Awwal. In these meetings, share thoughts and information with one another and listen to Islamic teachings regarding the month available online.
2. Guidance to Children
It is the responsibility of elders and parents to guide children related to Islamic history, important events, and practices. Hence, children should be taught why this event is important for all the Muslims. For this purpose, start with making children memorize and recite Naat Mubarak on daily basis. Similarly, draw Gunbad-e-eKhizra and ask children to color. This will help them to recognize it anywhere. Lastly, tell the teachings and events of the Holy Prophet (SAW) to the children.
3. Sweet Distribution
As a family, look to distribute sweets to the neighbors as much as possible. It will also encourage and guide them to understand the significance of this month in Islam. Moreover, feed poor and guide your children that how Holy Prophet (SAW) helped such people in his lifetime. In this way, you can create a positive vibe for the whole community through your family efforts and practices.
4. Eid Day
The 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal is recognized as Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW). This day, take your children out for letting them show the celebrations of Eid throughout the city. Moreover, get your children well dressed to make them understand the importance of cleanliness. Similarly, congratulate each other to create this culture within your family.
5. Mehfil-e-Milad
Mehfil-e-Milad should be conducted at the family or social peer level. however, if you are not able to conduct on your own then make sure you take your children to such gathering in the community. The recitation of Naat will boost your and children’s faith in an unprecedented way. Moreover, encourage your children to participate in Naat recitation in such events. In this way, their future direction will be set to participate in Islamic events at the community level.
Overall, the Rabi-ul-Awwal celebrations are an opportunity to get the ummah on right track. It gets everyone on the same board which is the beauty of Muslim Ummah.