Importance of Mosque the Place of Worship in Islam

Mosque is the places of worship of Allah Almighty alone, free from idolatrous practices, since Islam is a purely monotheistic religion. A mosque is symbolically very important to Muslims and is a humble way for man to recreate pure divine presence on earth. A mosque is a place where Muslims worship and pray to Allah Almighty. In Arabic Mosque is called a Masjid or Jami.  The mosque is a kind of any house or open area where Muslims offer Salah (Nimaz) in the congregation. Some mosques are also used as places where Muslims get together and discuss things or where religious education takes place. It is not only a place for praying, but it’s also the center of the community and where many wonderful pieces of Islamic art have been created.

Mosques are centers of learning and study of the Quran, hadith, Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Mosques are the heart of the Islamic life. They serve for prayers, for events during Islam’s holiest month Ramadan, as centers for education and information, places for social welfare, and also for dispute settlement. The Imam of Masjid is the religious leader of the mosque and the person who leads the prayers.

A mosque brings the community together as it acts as many things, a social centre, a community centre and an educational centre etc as it has many events which welcome both old and new members of the mosque. It is required for all men to attend mosque on Friday for Jumah prayer. Muslims also offer five times prayer in Mosque, also come and learn about the Islamic faith, about the teachings of the Holy Quran with learning how to read and pronounce it from Ulama. Muslims are required to give money to charity they often donate it at mosques.

There are many rules that worshippers must obey when they are in a mosque. Muslims must clean themselves before they enter into a mosque. There are washing areas where they can make wudu before entering the prayer hall. The floors of such a hall are normally covered with a carpet. It is not allowed to step on it with shoes as Muslims offer Salah on it. Loud talking is forbidden in mosques. It is also disrespectful to walk in front of Muslims who are praying.

The first mosque was modeled on the place of worship of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) the courtyard of His house at Medina. That was simply plots of ground marked out as sacred. Though the mosque as such has undergone many architectural changes, the building remains essentially an open space, generally roofed over, containing a Mihrab and a Minbar. A common feature of many mosques is a minaret, a tall thin tower that is usually located at one of the corners. From the minaret, a muezzin or Imam proclaims call to worship (Adhan) five times each day.

The prayer hall of Masjid normally does not have any benches or chairs. Worshippers pray in rows facing Holy Kaaba which is center towards which Muslims around the world face and offer prayer. There are no pictures on the walls of Mosques. Some mosques show verses of the Quran on the walls to assist worshippers. Every mosque has a Mihrab, a niche in the wall that points to the Holy Kaaba. From Minbar the imam delivers his speech.

Prayers in mosques with congregation are considered the best way of offering prayers to Allah Almighty. Most of the Muslims prefer to offer prayer in congregation and avoid individual prayers for fear of using wrong ways. We all should try to offer prayers with the congregation in mosques for getting greater rewards in the best manner.

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