Impact of Reciting Holy Quran in Daily Life of Muslims

Holy Quran is the last sacred holy book of Allah Almighty that was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the noble angel Jibril. Noble Quran is a spiritual guide for all people living in any place or time and for the whole life of man. Everyone no matters rich or poor can find the things that are about them in the Holy Quran. We can learn the knowledge and lessons from the Quran that is necessary for peace and tranquility both in this world and the hereafter. In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says about the Noble Quran in these words: “And this is a Book which We have revealed as a blessing: so follow it and be righteous, that ye may receive mercy.”(Quran, 6: 155)
The Holy Quran is essential to the life of every Muslim or we can say that it is a living reality. Holy Quran is a communication from Allah (SWT) in which He is directly addressing every person. The words of the Holy Quran are timeless and always valid. Every word of it is deeply relevant to our concerns and experiences, and they are to be integrated fully into our lives. Recitation of the Quran is an essential part of the daily religious practice of each and every Muslim in the world. “The Quran is guidance and glad tidings for those who believe.”(Quran, 2:97)
Recitation of the Quran again and again never bores its readers neither do the readers lose an interest by reading it over and over again. The Noble Quran contains all kinds of principles of creed, deeds, and ethics that will make a man attain real joy in life. Holy Quran not only helps us to solve our daily life problems but also provides us guidance to live and lead a successful life as it is the book of guidance for all of us. The Quran has the solution of each and every matter of life that a person could face in his/her life.
Implementation of the teachings of the Holy Quran in our daily life is the most important thing to do because the Quran teaches us about each and everything. The Noble Quran has the real-life stories of the old societies and traditions reason of these stories in the Quran is to understand the truth. Belief on Allah Almighty and His Mighty Power is the fundamental aspect which makes people strong and fearless. The Noble Quran teaches us to observe and seek the truth in our daily life. We must try in our daily life to understand different experiences because these ultimately strengthen our belief in Allah Almighty.
Reciting the Holy Quran is one thing and implementing the teachings of the Holy Quran in our daily life is another thing which is important as well. Quran is the complete statement to live a pious life and Muslims are lucky that they have this Holy gift from Allah Almighty. The Noble Quran is a complete code of life indeed. Holy Quran not only guides the Muslims but it also guides and helps each and every person who refers to it regardless of the religion. Indeed, this Last Divine Book is for the whole humanity. Those who gather together to read and study the Quran are blessed because upon them descend the angels with God’s abundant mercy. Beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “Whenever people gather in one of the houses of Allah for reading the Qur’an and teaching it to one another, peace descends upon them, mercy covers them, angels spread their wings over them, and Allah mentions them to those around Him.” (Muslim)
In short, the Holy Quran is an extraordinary book that invades every aspect of one’s life. Its message is for everyone not just for Muslims. Its benefits are endless, needs an open, sincere heart that is looking for truth. May Almighty Allah give us the strength to recite Quran daily and implement its teachings in the daily routine of life! Ameen