Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Ramadan Fasting

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The Holy month of Ramadan is just around the corner. Muslims anxiously await this auspicious month in which they pray and praise Allah Almighty and receive greater blessings and rewards in return. During this whole month, Muslims fast from the beginning of the day from sunrise to till the sunset refraining from any kind of drinking and eating.
Regarding the month of Ramadan, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in His hadith:
“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.” (Bukhari)
From this hadith it is clear that Ramadan is the month of asking forgiveness and receiving countless blessings. Moreover, as there is no Satan, therefore, there are minimal temptations in this month. In addition to the simple refraining from eating or drinking, there are other things which Muslims need to avoid and there are other things which they need to do in Ramadan. The lines below give the major do’s and don’ts of Ramadan.
There are a number of things, which a Muslim can do to make use of the blessings of the Holy month of Ramadan. The following lines give the major actions or deeds that Muslims must perform in the month of Ramadan.
- Recite Quran Daily – The first thing that you can do to make sure that you earn maximum blessings and rewards in this Holy month is to recite Quran. With every single word of Quran there is a reward, hence the more you read Quran the more reward you receive. Moreover, pertaining to reading of Quran, you must prefer recitation and understanding its meanings as that is the essence of Quran which can help you become a better Muslim not only in the month of Ramadan only, but for months and years that are to come. In addition, if you are someone who does not know how to read the Quran in Arabic, Ramadan is the month to get started with Quran learning. Daily you can take Quran Tutoring Classes from QuranReading.com to start learning Quran online. In sha Allah, by the end of Ramadan, you will be on the right track to be able to read and recite the Holy Quran with perfect pronunciation.
- Follow the Sunnah – Acting upon the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is another deed that brings reward to a Muslim. The month of Ramadan provides a great chance to learn about Sunnah and then practice it in the Holy month, where there is peace and blessing everywhere. Therefore, a Muslim must try learning about Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) in general and His traditions related to Ramadan in particular and then apply it to daily life throughout the month.
- Nawafil Brings Reward – Although every Muslim regularly observes five times a day prayers during Ramadan, however, as the reward for prayers gets increased in this month, therefore, a Muslim must also indulge in Nawafil prayers whenever he or she finds time. Offering Nawafil brings additional reward and benefits to a Muslim and helps purify his or her heart making them glorify Allah Almighty with a pure and sincere heart.
- Perform Taraveeh – Traveeh is another Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which is special to the month of Ramadan. A Muslim must ensure that in addition to all the mandatory prayers the Traveeh after the Isha prayer is also observed. Therefore, Traveeh should be observed on regular bases to attain greater blessings and rewards during the whole month.
- Pay Zakah – Although there is no set month for paying Zakah, however, the month of Ramadan is an ideal time when one can pay Zakah and be charitable. As the festival of Eid comes after Ramadan, therefore, paying Zakah helps those who are less fortunate be able to celebrate the festival with somewhat same zest as all the other prosperous people. Therefore, one must try paying the due Zakah in the month of Ramadan. If you want to calculate the amount liable to your possessions, you can take help of our free Zakaat Calculator and instantly do the computing.
Besides the obvious fact that a Muslim is not allowed to eat or drink anything during the fast and refrain from any sexual activity, there are several other things, which a Muslim must refrain from in order to ensure that fast is observed in the true spirit. The lines below give some major don’ts which a Muslim must observe when keeping a fast during the month of Ramadan:
- Eat Junk Food – Suhur and Aftar are two important elements of Ramadan where former is related with eating before dawn while the latter is concerned with eating on breaking of fast. However, it is observed that Muslims do not take care of what they eat at both these occasions, which makes fasting difficult for them in addition to causing health problems. Therefore, what Muslims need to do is to avoid excessive or junk food eating during the Ramadan to stay healthy.
- Hold Grudges – Fasting gives the lesson of sacrifice and forgiveness; therefore, during the month of Ramadan a Muslim must not hold grudges and indulge in fighting people. Rather, he or she needs to start forgiving people and whatever little mistakes people commit he or she should be tolerant and forgiving towards them.
- Lose Patience – Another thing that fasting in Ramadan teaches is tolerance and patience. These are two character attributes that seriously lack in people these days and even during Ramadan people lose their temper grow impatient and create all kinds of problems for themselves as well as for others. Therefore, getting angry during Ramadan is one thing that a Muslim must try to avoid and increase patience and tolerance.
- Commit Satanic Deed – Ramadan also teaches a Muslim to ward off evil and its temptation. Although the Satan is chained in this month, however, it is the habits of the rest of the months that haunt a Muslim in this month as well. Therefore, a Muslim must try refraining from base thoughts as well as committing vain and base deeds. Instead, a Muslim must do acts of good and kindness so that the fast is kept and observed in the true spirit.
Bottom Line:
In a nutshell, for a Muslim it is imperative to do good deeds and refrain from evil and sinful deeds as well as thoughts so that the true purpose of fasting is achieved. Once a Muslim is able to refrain from the bad and starts doing good, then the practice in Ramadan can be carried on to the rest of the year as well, which is the true purpose of this Holy Month.