Tips and Blessings for The Last 10 (Third Ashra) Days Of Ramadan

Each and every day of Ramadan is no less than a blessing. Muslims start preparing for Ramadan in advance so that they are able to make the most out of it without losing a moment in adjusting to its routine. Therefore, with the progression of each day of Ramadan, the spirit and enthusiasm of Muslims towards its observance to the best of efforts increases.
In the three Ashras of Ramadan, it is the third one that is valued greatly among Muslims. One of the major reasons why it is valued and revered is the fact that it is the last Ashra and with it Ramadan ends, so Muslim try making the most out of it. The lines below discuss how a Muslim can make the most out of the last ten days of Ramadan.
A hadith reported regarding the last Ashra about the routine of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is as follows:
“Allah’s Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time.” (Muslim)
Therefore, the last ten days of Ramadan require greater devotion and dedication towards making the most out of it. The lines below give some tips that can help effectively in this regard.
Itikaf is the renowned Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is most popular among Muslims. Itikaf refers to the last ten days of Ramadan in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to live in seclusion and avoid worldly interaction till the last night when the moon of Shawal is sighted. Hazrat Aisha (RA) narrates:
“Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to perform Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan until Allah the Mighty & Majestic took Him.” (Bukhari)
From this hadith, it becomes clear that Itikaf was one of His consistent Sunnahs which He used to perform on regular bases on every Ramadan and throughout His life. Therefore, a Muslim should find encouragement from this fact and should pursue Itikaf. In another hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Whoever makes Itikaf with me is to make Itikaf during the last ten (nights).” (Bukhari)
Therefore, Itikaf is one of the major Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), therefore, every Muslim must try observing Itikaf whenever the chance is available.
Increase Worship Duration:
The last ten days are the ones that end with the end of the Ramadan and after that there is a whole year before it comes back again. Thus, those Muslims who are aware of the transitory nature of this worldly life understand the value of the last days of Ramadan, hence, the increase the intensity as well as duration of their prayer so that they get the maximum out of the parting days. Hazrat Aisha (RA) narrates about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the following way:
“With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (PBUH) used to tighten His waist belt (i.e. work harder) and used to pray all the night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers.” (Bukhari)
From this hadith it is clear that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pray excessively during the last ten days of Ramadan. In addition to praying all night, He also made sure that His family members also stayed awake during the nights and indulged in prayer. Therefore, a Muslim must not only limit him or herself with own prayers, rather he or she must also make sure that all the other family members are also a part of the prayer and they also make the most out of the last precious nights of Ramadan.
Recite Quran Abundantly:
In Ramadan, Muslims make special preparations to recite Quran. Some of the Muslims recite the whole Quran one time, while there are others who recite the whole Quran several times. Each and every word of Quran brings great reward for a Muslim when recited in Quran. Besides the conventional reading of Quran from the start till its end, a Muslim must also search for different hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in which He emphasized over different Surahs of Quran in terms of their greater reward. A hadith in this regard is as follows:
“Whoever recited Surah Zilzilah would get the reward of reciting half the Quran. Whoever recited Surah al Kaafirun would get the reward as if reading a quarter of the Quran. Whoever recited Surah al Ikhlas would get a reward as if reading one third of the Quran.” (Tirmidhi)
Therefore, while reciting Quran a Muslim must consider different hadith of Prophet (PBUH) that specifically refer to particular Surahs and try reading and reciting them more frequently to earn greater reward. However, to be able to read and recite Quran, you must be able familiar with Arabic language. If you are someone who is naive to reading Quran in Arabic, you can avail services of QuranReading.com to be able to learn Quran Online in this holy month of Ramadan.
Laylatul Qadr:
In Quran, Allah says:
“By the manifest Book (the Quran) that makes thing clear. We sent it (this Quran) down on a Blessed Night (i.e. the Night of Qadr)….” (44:2-4)
The Blessed night refers to the Night of Qadr and it is one of the highly revered and cherished nights in the Islamic calendar. This night can be found in the odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan. Therefore, every Muslim in addition to praying excessively in all the last ten days, should worship, pray and supplicate more in the odd nights.
Prophet (PBUH) said in a hadith:
“Whoever stands (in Qiyaam) in Laylat ul-Qadr out of faith and expectation (of Allah’s reward), will have All of his previous sins forgiven.” (Bukhari)
Therefore, a Muslim must seek the Blessed night by praying excessively in the last ten days of Ramadan.
In a nutshell, the last ten days should be observed with more spirit and enthusiasm as with them the Ramadan ends and who knows whether someone will live another year to welcome this Holy Month again and collect all the riches and rewards that it comes with.