7 Interesting Things About Prophet Muhammad SAW

Let us open our discussion with the quranic lines, as our today’s topic “7 Interesting Things About Prophet Muhammad SAW” is incomplete without this Quranic Verse.
لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ
“Indeed in the messenger of Allah(Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) you have a good example.”
(Surah Al-Ahzab 33:21)
He(PBUH) was very unassuming and humble
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was so unassuming for an amazing duration. He (PBUH) used to eat with his allies and if a stranger passes by, he was unable to try and perceive that the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW is staying there and eating something and staying there.
The pages of history and authentic sources tell us that even after the biggest conquests(fatoohat) Prophet Muhammad SAW remained humble as from the very beginning He SAW was the defender of downtrodden.
He(PBUH) was never harsh throughout His life
He(PBUH) was never savage to any of his workers. He(PBUH) never expressed any awful words to any of his associates. He hated for the sake of Allah and loved for the sake of Allah SWT. There is a hadith from Tirmizi that explains well how the prophet of Islam guided his companions and ummah, Prophet Muhammad SAW said,
“Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. But (instead) accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil” (Tirmidhi).
He (PBUH) used to accomplish his work without anyone else
He(PBUH) used to do his own needs without anyone else. He(PBUH) used to tailor his garments and fix his footwear. In another report, Aisha is reported to have said, “He did what one of you would do in his house. He mended sandals and patched garments and sewed.” (Adab Al-Mufrad graded sahih by Al-Albani)
Deal with his companions
He(PBUH) used to deal with his companions separately that is the reason every last one of the companions feels that he was the nearest to him.
He(PBUH) Established the Rights of woman’s
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offered rights to the lady as before that lady was dealt with so terrible as there was no understanding of rights about the lady. Islam gave respect to the rights of women. Islam categorized women into Respected mothers, Sisters, Daughters, and Wives who have their proper place and value according to their status. Islam is the only religion, giving complete rights to women from their birth until the last day of their lives.
He(PBUH) Established the Rights of Animals
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) denied creature misuse. He(PBUH) said that the person who slaughters a creature for sport is reviled. He(PBUH) likewise chastised individuals who over-burden their ponies or camels and advised them to “Dread Allah concerning these creatures that can’t speak” (Abu Dawood).
The Name of Prophet (SAW)
His (SAW) name is one of the most well-known names on the planet. Muhammad SAW is the delightful name and that is among the main 10 most mainstream names in the UK and the top 50 around the world.
To put it, regardless of whichever social status it is, whatever circumstance of life it is, a Muslim is to turn towards the character of Muhammad (PBUH) and locate that specific bit of direction from it. Muslims must spread the life of Prophet (PBUH) because it isn’t just useful for Muslims; rather the generosity that originates from it has an all-inclusive intrigue and will help improve the world to be a wonderful place to live in.
Let us add here one of the Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad SAW
It is an additional part of our today’s blog post
“The Globalization of Islam”
Reported by Thawbān (RA), “Without a doubt, Allah got together the earth for me so I saw its east and its west; and without a doubt, the domain of my nation will show up at what was gotten together for me from it.”
How these desires were made when Muslims were a weak pack, and Islam was depended upon to be shrouded in its help, is baffling. By at that point, expecting that the certainty would even suffer would be considered by generally without a doubt a ridiculous dream. Regardless, to foresee that Islam would suffer, yet create to prosper all around, was by then inconceivable. For us, nowadays, seeing a fourth of this current planet’s masses as supporters of Islam explains this was no supposition, yet rather another forecast excited by the Divine.
Let me include the end the lines structure the magnificent Quran, “State, [O Muhammad], ‘None in the sky and earth realizes the inconspicuous except Allah, and they don’t see when they will be revived.'” [an-Naml 27: 65]