How to Perform Salat ul Tasbeeh (Prayer of Forgiveness)-Method & Benefits

Salat ul Tasbih or prayer of forgiveness is a special prayer having great virtues and benefits for Muslims. Namaz-e-Tasbeeh is one of the voluntary prayers and it is not mandatory to perform Salat ul Tasbih, but every Muslim must try to offer Salat ul Tasbeeh prayer whenever the chance becomes available in life.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammed (SAW) once said to His uncle Sayyidina Abbass (RA):
“Oh uncle shall I not give you, Shall I not grant you, Shall I not award you, Shall I not do mercy on you, when you do 10things Allah will forgive your sins: of the future and of the past; new and old; those you have forgotten and those you did knowingly; big and small; hidden and revealed. Then He (Prophet PBUH) explained and taught the way to pray Salat-o-Tasbeeh and then said: “If you can pray this Salah once a day, if you cannot pray once a day then every Friday, and even if this is not possible then once a month and even if this is not possible then once a year and even if this is not possible then at least once in a lifetime.” (Tirmidhi)
The above-mentioned hadith has described great virtues and benefits of Salat ul Tasbeeh. A Muslim must try offering it on daily bases in order to gain blessings and forgiveness, if he or she is not able to do so, then one should offer it at least once in week, if even that is not possible, then once in a month, if one does not get the chance of doing so, then one should offer it at least once every year, and even if that is not possible, then one should offer it at least once in a lifetime.
How to perform Salat ul Tasbeeh?
Salat ul Tasbih has four Rakats, and it can be offered at any time a day except on away time and sunrise sunset Makrooh time. All the protocols for the regular prayers like ablution (wudu) clean place, clean dress and body and so on need to be adhered to for this prayer as well. The additional thing in this prayer is the Tasbeeh that needs to be recited during prayer. The Tasbeeh for the prayer of forgiveness is:
“Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar”
One should recite above Tasbih 300 times in four Rakah with the following method.
- First of all, make Niyyah of 4 Rakah for offering Salat ul Tasbeeh
- In the first Rakah, after saying “Allah u Akbar” and folding the hands together, after reciting ‘Sana’ part of the prayer, you must recite the aforementioned Tasbeeh 15 times.
- After the first set of Tasbeeh, the perform the regular ‘Tauz’ and ‘Tasmia’ section. After that recite the Surah which you would want to recite in the prayer and then recite the same Tasbeeh 10 times and go to the Rukoo posture.
- In the Rukoo posture after reciting the regular Tasbeeh for Rukoo, recite the aforementioned Tasbeeh 10 times and afterwards rise from Rukoo.
- Once you have risen from Rukoo and recite the praise which one does after rising from Rukoo in regular prayer, you are to follow it with 10 times recitation of the Tasbeeh and go to Sujood posture.
- Once you are in Sujood and have recited the regular Tasbeeh, you need to follow it up with 10 recitations of the Tasbeeh and then go into the posture of ‘Jalsa’.
- In the state of Jalsa, recite the Tasbeeh 10 times and then again go to the second Sujood posture.
- In the second Sujood also repeat the same as in the first Sajda and recite the Tasbeeh 10 times.
- After Sujood stands up for the second Rakat and this time without reciting Sana, go for reciting the Tasbeeh 15 times and then repeat the aforementioned steps and the perform the same number of Tasbeeh. These steps then need to be followed for the rest of the Rakats of the prayer until you conclude the prayer with Salam.
In short, Salat ul Tasbeeh is a great form of Nafl prayer, which results in forgiveness and pardon over one`s past sins and wrongdoings by attaining the pleasure of Allah Almighty by paying Him great Respect through Tasbeeh. Hence, all the Muslims must try to offer this prayer of forgiveness whenever they can to receive the blessings and mercy of Almighty Allah. May Allah (SWT) guide us to follow the teachings of Islam. Ameen!