Islamic Festivals and Celebrations | Religion facts of Muslims Practices

Islam means “Submission” to the will of Allah Almighty. Submission to Allah is necessary with heart and soul and also at the time of death. The word Islam derives from the root word “Salaam” which means peace. Muslims covers 1/5th of the world’s population. Islam is meant to be a complete way of life for its followers or believers. It includes a complete and logical set of beliefs, rituals, and a moral code that covers every action that a Muslim takes in their life.
Islam does not require its followers to blindly perform rituals and actions for no reason and with no explanation. Muslims believe that all compulsions that Allah asks them to do or refrain from doing are for their own good. We as Muslims believe that following the complete way of life which is taught by Islam is the only way to attain real happiness in this life and hereafter as well.
Following is the list of some practices that Muslims perform:
- Prayers: The Muslim prayer is a combination of physical actions, verbal sayings, and an internal feeling in the heart. Muslims are required to be in a condition of tranquility, quietness, and humbleness while playing out their petitions. Once the petition is begun, a progression of truisms and activities are performed. It also gives Muslims the opportunity to ask Allah for anything they desire. Muslims are required to pray at least five times prayers every day and are encouraged to pray extra prayers if they can. The required prayers have specific times that they are to be performed at.
- Fasting: Fasting is to refrain from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset. Muslims are required to fast during the month of Ramadan. It is considered as a way to cleanse the soul of all worldly desires and devout oneself completely to the obedience of Allah Almighty.
- Eid ul Fitr: At the end of Ramadan Muslims celebrate Eid ul Fitr. It means the joy or happiness at the end of the days of fasting and is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal. It is the biggest Muslim festival which is celebrated all over the world. Muslims put on new clothes and assemble in mosques for Eid Prayer.
- Hajj/Pilgrimage: Pilgrimage is also known as Hajj. Pilgrimage is a physical and spiritual journey that every financially and physically able Muslim is required to perform once in a life. For performing Hajj Muslims travel to the Holy city Makah that is located in Saudi Arabia. There, they are expected to spend their days in complete devotion to worship and to ask Allah for forgiveness and for anything else they wish to ask for.
- Eid ul Adha: Eid ul Adha is also known as the festival of sacrifice and Bakr- Eid. It starts at Hajj and during which domestic animals like goat, sheep, cow, and camel etc. are sacrificed. It is usually celebrated on the tenth day of Duhl Hijja. Muslims get up early in the morning and perform Eid Prayer. After performing Eid Prayer Muslims sacrificed animals and distributed among family members and poor people.
- Eid Milad ul-Nabi: Milad ul-Nabi is the birthday of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Muslims celebrate this day with love on the 12th day of Rabi ul Awal.