What is Salat ul Hajat & How to Perform the Prayer of Need

Muslims are obligated to perform Salah five times a day. The implication of these prayers is to attain nearness to Allah SWT, forgiveness of wrongdoings and fulfillment of just wishes. Allah, the Exalted does not need us to pray to Him, rather it is us who actually require His assistance and guidance. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: “And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah].” (Quran, 2: 45)
Apart from compulsory Namaz, there is great importance of Nawafil prayers, which are a means to gain something extra include Salatul Istikhara and Tahajjud and Salatul Hajat, etc. It is said that requests made to the Creator of this universe on some special occasions are never rejected, like after five obligatory prayers, late at night, in a state of prostration, on the might of decree, during rain, and during Adhan, etc. Huzaifa (RA) narrated the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whenever a matter became serious, the Prophet (PBUH) turned to salah”. (Abu Dawud)

One needs to turn towards Allah Almighty whenever under trial because the worries and grief inflicted are from the Creator to judge the level of faith by soul and heart purification. Among all voluntary prayers, there is also one important prayer, which is called Salatul Hajat. It is observed for the purpose of completion of one`s particular Haajah (need). It is actually not similar to any other prescribed Namaz, but it is just one of the ways to beg the Almighty for one`s rightful wish.
It is stated in Hadith: “He who makes wudu, and does it properly, then prays two Rakats, Allah will grant him whatever he may pray for, sooner or later”. (Ahmad)
How to Perform Salat ul Hajat
Below mentioned are rituals to perform Salatul Hajat (the prayer of need):
- It is prior to performing ablution before starting the prayer.
- Then offer 2 Rakat Nafal salah.
- After completion of salah, recite Durood Shareef and praise Allah Almighty.
- Recite as much amount of Tasbeeh as possible with Durood Shareef.
- In the end, make Dua e Hajat for the fulfillment of one`s requirement.
There is no doubt that the Most Gracious Allah Almighty listens to the invocations of the ones who ask from Him with strong belief and conviction in their hearts. The Messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been quoted by Abu Hurairah (RA) to have said: “The Prophet (SAW) said, “Nothing is dearer to Allah than one’s supplication to Him.” (Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
Things to consider while performing Salat-ul-Hajat
- Being in complete state of hygiene, having worn neat and tidy clothes and fulfilling the criterion of proper etiquettes like that of any other prayer
- Choosing a place that is clean and away from noise and distractions
- Keeping complete concentration while supplicating to the Almighty with a strong belief in His Merciful and Benevolent nature, and also asking from Him with great humbleness and meekness
Dua e Hajat
According to the narration, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has prescribed the following form of a request to Allah Almighty:
“There is no god but Allah the Clement and Wise. There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremendous Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good and freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most Merciful!” (Tirmidhi)
May Allah SWT grant us His guidance to pray to Him in the most rightful manner! Ameen!