LilMuslim - Kids Islamic Learning Game is an interactive Android game, which is solely designed for Muslim Kids to assist them in learning the significant Daily Duas. This App facilitates the kids to learn Islamic Duas with easy go-through phases, Mp3 Audios, and interactive learning. Catchy puzzle completion game and quiz in later stages will glued them to the screen until the very end of the game.
What is inside the game?
Apart from the sprinkling theme, the game has 32 levels out of which the first 17 encapsulates puzzle completion and the remaining comprises Quiz for the kids to help them in memorizing Islamic Duas along the occasion of when to recite through alluring animations.
The significant Supplications included in this game include: • Dua for Controlling Anger • Dua for receiving gift • Dua for seeing Beauty • Dua to recite after sneezing • Dua for going up • Dua for going down • Dua for greetings • Tasmiyah (before starting any work) • Dua for sleeping • Dua when you wake up • Dua for increase in Knowledge • Dua when entering toilet • Dua when you leave toilet • Dua for forgiveness • Dua to recite before eating • Dua after finish eating
Once the kid finishes first 17 levels, kid will be through to the quiz stages where the kid has to identify the dua through animated banners popping on screen.
Ace Feature:
Everything seem and sound boring when it lacks interest hence the main purpose of this game is to help the kids in learning Kids Dua in a way they explicitly want to learn. This is not just a game but a learning App which will serve as a preschool teacher for kids to help in memorizing all Islamic duas with Mp3 audio and attractive animations.
Easy to play yet fun to learn- download and rate the game as we appreciate your valuable feedback. Jazak’Allah!