Tips To Stay Healthy In the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end and only Allah Almighty knows that whether we will be granted with other Ramadan or not. Last ten days of Ramadan are blessed days in which Allah has asked the Muslims to seek the power of night, which is equivalent to the night of thousand months. People observe itekhaf in this month to grasp maximum worship for which physical health and strength is vital to observe itekaf as narrated in Hadith:
Aisha (RA) reported: “With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (RA) used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work harder) and used to pray the whole night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers.” [Bukhari]
Reduction of sleep in during aftar and suhoor and less intake of food cause reduced level of energy, which needs to be retained for doing worship. Aim of a Muslim is to worship and to seek Allah mercy, which can be accomplished on eating healthy food. Much of the food that we eat is not beneficial and healthy which leaves in the weaker physical state.
Our bodies are Amanat of Allah Almighty and in these last crucial days, it is necessary to consume healthy food so that we can make it to the most of the time we have left in remaining days of Ramadan.
There are following tips, which can make you stronger enough to do ibadah in night and other worshipping acts in morning.
- Never Miss Suhoor:
Suhoor is Sunnah, which was one of the rituals of Prophet (PBUH) to do before keeping fast. It is narrated in Hadith that:
Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Take suhoor as there is a blessing in it.” [Bukhari]
At the end of the month, our stomach is almost adapted to the food we are taking in which reshape our body and feel like as if we are not hungry. When we eat too much in iftar then we do not feel like eating in Suhoor that gives us nauseated feeling in the early morning, which leave us weak at the end of the day. Suhoor is a blessed meal and is not only a Sunnah but keep you going to the rest of the daylong. Eat something rather to leave it completely and in small chunks to have something rather to skip the suhoor. Some of the healthy suhoor examples that you can try if you do not want heavy meal in the early start of the day include:
- Use water of dates which are embedded in water overnight and then to drink that water in the start of the meal empty stomached
- Fruits but with Oatmeal
- Toast can be eaten with boiled egg which is full of proteins
- Yogurt with granola and oat
- Dates, Milk and some fruits of your choice to keep your energy going
- Drink Plenty of Water:
Ramadan 2016 is in summers and our body gets dehydrated hence drink water as much as you can. It is essential to keep your body hydrating whilst fasting especially in the hot and humid weather of Ramadan. When the time between Aftar and suhoor is short then drink at least two glass of water and those items that are enrich in water like watermelon, cucumber, grapefruit, and strawberries. These fruits will add to the items we are consuming for water storage.
The other best thing is to drink or sip water during taraweeh in each unit or after every two Raka’ah. Break your Wudu so that you can consume more amount of water in large quantity especially when you are the one who consumes or takes less water in his/her daily life. Most of the Muslims suffer from headaches when they do not drink water that is why do not let yourself suffer from these trivial thighs as they will affect your ibadah.
- Do Not over eat:
Staying all day long empty stomached and then eating feverously is terrible. When we have an extensive menu then we try to eat every item and stuff ourselves from every item of the food, which again is a restrain to stay active during the taraweh and worship time.
Fill your stomach as per your needs because we eat to live rather live to eat. Over eating makes us tired in the key hours of worship in night, which left us lazy and we can never stay active to offer nawafils and make supplication in the last ten days of Ramadan.
- Take Nap during itekaf:
In the last ten days of Ramadan Muslims prefer to observe seclusion for itekaf to offer prayers in order to seek Allah blessings. If we want to do ibadah on the night of Lailat ul Qadar we should suppose to take a nap in between to stay active for the last hour of the night. This practice will keep all of us awake and alert in our other daily activities as well as the worship that we prefer to offer in the night on those blessed days.
Take a nap depending on your schedule and the time when Prophet (PBUH) prefered to take nap as per Sunnah that is after Dhuhr. Take nap of 20 mins, 45 mins to keep yourself fresh. May Allah bless us all to make the most out of this Ramadan.