The Virtues and Power of Reciting 4 Quls

Despite the fact, the full book of Quran is a complete guide for its readers. But it contains some chapters having more significance and we should know about them. The Holy Quran should be recited daily. From Hadiths we can conclude the excellence of reciting the Holy Quran, some of Hadiths are mentioned below:
“Recite the Holy Quran for it will come as an intercessor for its reciter on the Day of Judgment.”
As we know that we should read Quran daily and its every chapter has own significant, Similarly there are four small sections at the end of this Sacred holy book which are generally known as “4 Qul”. These four surahs of Quran are Surah Al-Kafiroon, Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas. In this article, we are going to discuss the importance and virtues while reciting “4 Qul” in brief. You can download 4 Qul for your Android or IOS devices from below:
Surah Al-Kafiroon
Importance: Surah Al-Kafiroon is equivalent to a quarter of the Quran or we can say its reward is equivalent to reciting quarter of the Quran. This Surah gives a message to the Muslims that they should stick to their religion and not follow anyone else’s and those who deny them they should be left to their own religion.
- The Prophet (SAW) said, “Recite Surah Al- Kafiroon and then go to sleep after coming to its end, for it is a clearance from shirk”. (Abu Dawud 4396)
- If a person dies after reciting this Surah, it is as if he has died as a martyr.
- Recitation of this Surah before sleeping keeps one safe the whole night.
Surah Al-Ikhlas
Importance: Surah Ikhlas is the most comprehensive definition of who Allah is, and knowing it well is enough for us to be safe from disbelief. These verses of Surah Ikhlas are the most quoted verses when it comes to explaining the message of Oneness of Allah in Islam.
- Muadh bin Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Whoever recites (Qul Hu Allahu Ahad) ten times, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”
- Its recitation is compared to reciting a third of the Holy Quran.
- It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that whoever recites this Surah once will get the reward equal to ten times the number of people who have believed in the Islamic teachings.
Surah Al-Falaq
Importance: Recitation of this Surah directs the believers to start their prayers with addressing the Almighty Allah with a belief that He will guard them against all the wicked forces of black magic, evil eye and spirits etc.
- The Prophet (PBUH) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilized them and left other things. (Tirmidhi 1984 )
- It is narrated by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that whoever recites this Surah in the month of Ramadan in any of his prayers; it is as if he has fasted in Makah and he will get the reward for performing Hajj and Umrah.
- According to one riwaayah “Recite these two Surahs (Surah Falaq and Surah Nas) when you go to sleep and when ‘you wake up”.
Surah An-Nas
Importance: Surah Naas teaches a dua to seek refuge in Allah from all the attacks which come from inner self, and to seek refuge in Shaytan who wants to arouse in ourselves doubts and desires which might destroy our belief in Allah Almighty.
- Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (RA) said that whoever recites this Surah in his house every night, will be kept safe from Jinnaat and the evil designs of Shaytan.
- Uqbah Ibn Amir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “No seeker of refuge can seek refuge with anything like these two (Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas)”. [Abu Dawud]
In short, “4 Quls” are very heavy in the significance of their benefits that they generate for the believers. Get this free and easily understandable application in order to benefit from learning and listening to the recitation of one of the most blessed Chapters of the Holy Quran. Download now “4 Qul of Quran 2017”.