Few Common Mistakes to Avoid in Ramadan

Without any doubt, Ramadan is one of the Holiest months in Islamic year. It is the month where Muslims change their regular routine, turn towards prayers seeking of forgiveness, and seek the blessings and mercy of Allah Almighty for the rest of the year.
In the month of Ramadan, the goal of a Muslim is to make the best use of the month and seek as much blessings and mercy as possible and refrain from all such activities that spoil the fast and somehow make a Muslim lose all the reward and blessings, which he or she had earned.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in His hadith:
“When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.” (Bukhari)
From this hadith of Prophet (PBUH), it is clear that in Ramadan there is no Satan, therefore, the element of luring towards evil is missing, thus, the chances of doing and being good increase. Therefore, if there is something that bad occurs from a Muslim, it is his or her personal doing.
Therefore, it is imperative that during Ramadan a Muslim refrains from all such acts that are not worthy of fasting and are mistakes that should not be committed during the fast.
Avoid Anger:
The first thing that a Muslim needs to avoid during Ramadan is anger. It is the root cause of all the evils and the outcome of it is never good. When angry the judgment of a person gets clouded and he or she is not able to see clearly, and in such unclear situation a person commits mistakes that for which a person has to feel ashamed or repent upon later on. Moreover, one of the essences of fasting in Ramadan is that it teaches a Muslim to be patient and humble, which are the virtues which when present cause the vice of anger to flee. Therefore, it is more than imperative that a Muslim resorts towards patience and tolerance instead of getting angry during Ramadan. This anger leaves to hurting other people emotionally, which definitely is not a good deed and should be avoided during Ramadan. Also, when you feel like getting angry, remember Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W) advice of seeking refuge from Allah.
The Prophet S.A.W said:
I know a word which, if only he would say it, this (anger) would leave him. If he said, “A’oothu billaahi min al-shaytaan (I seek refuge with Allah from the Shaitan),”, this [anger] would leave him.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 6/377).
In addition, start concentration upon the Special Deeds of Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in Ramadan which would ultimately drive your anger away.
Sleeping All The Day:
Each and every moment of Ramadan is precious and a Muslim must make full use of it by praising and praying to Allah Almighty in the maximum time possible. Although the sleep at night and a little nap in the afternoon is necessary for the health of the body, however, staying awake all night long and sleeping throughout the day is never a good ploy. In order to avoid the hunger and thirst that develops during the day, Muslims try staying awake during the night so that they could sleep through the day. This is wrong and against what fasting teaches us. The thirst and hunger during fast helps us understand what the less fortunate people go through, therefore, if one does not feel all that, then the essence of Ramadan is lost. Hence, it is imperative that a Muslim keeps fast whilst keeping the regular routine intact and continuous.
Fasting Without Prayer:
This usually happens in cases when Muslims stay awake during night and spend all day sleeping. Besides praying in fast, the prayers themselves are mandatory upon a Muslim and fasting or no fast, a Muslim is supposed to offer them regularly. Therefore, a day without prayers in normal circumstances is not complete, let alone the day of Ramadan. In Ramadan a Muslim is supposed to indulge in excessive prayers and seek forgiveness and blessings from Allah Almighty by offering regular prayers, therefore, if one does not do so and only remains hungry and thirsts throughout the day, then perhaps it is not keeping the fast in the way it deserves to be kept. Therefore, a Muslim must make sure that regular fast is accompanied with the mandatory prayers and Taraweeh Salaat at night to keep fast with true essence.
Not Taking Care Of Speech:
Another objective of fasting in Ramadan is to teach a person self control. In a fast, a person is supposed to control his or her desires and urges. Besides these urges and desires, a Muslim is also to control the way he or she is to behave and speak with others. In this regard, one needs to take care of any kind of vulgar speech. Whether its in terms of profane, derogatory or vulgar speech or in the form of backbiting and slandering, a Muslim is to refrain from them all in order to better be able to incorporate the spirit of Islam in his or her personality. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says:
“Fasting is a shield, so the one who fasts should avoid obscene speech and ignorant behavior. If someone abuses him or starts to fight with him, he should reply by saying: I am fasting, I am fasting.” (Bukhari)
Therefore, a Muslim to observe fast as a shield and refrain from all such sorts of speech that provoke anger or caused derogation of the other person.
In a nutshell, the emphasis or focus of a Muslim during Ramadan should be on gathering as much blessings as possible. In addition, one must take care of the things to do and things to avoid in Ramadan. Therefore, it is imperative that one refrains from any such deeds that spoil the blessings gained and is against the essence and spirit of fasting.