Menstruation During Ramadan- Worship in Ramadan for Menstruating Women

Ramadan is the month of fasting in which Muslims all over the world participate. It is obligatory for Muslims to fast except children, sick, old, or the women who are in the menstruation cycle. Women on their menstruation cycle are exempt from fasting and praying also unable to join in the major religious practices of the holy month. Women can make up the fasting days that they missed after Ramadan.
Menstruation and other uniquely feminine concerns are all part of Allah’s creation, which He created in perfect wisdom. Menstruation is not a punishment for women they are just part of the special package of blessings, opportunities and challenges that Allah Almighty has given uniquely to women. Allah (SWT) has commanded menstruating women to refrain from the ritual prayer and ritual fasting. Allah Almighty says in the Noble Quran: “And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger and fears Allah and is conscious of Him – it is those who are the attainers.” (Quran, 24:52)
Many women, when their periods begin, find that their level of engagement with the high spiritual atmosphere of the holy month Ramadan drops. If menstruating women fulfil this command with the intention to submit to Allah’s order, then they are actually worshipping Allah the entire time they refrain from the ritual prayer and fasting for the sake of fulfilling Allah’s command.
Worship in Ramadan for Menstruating Women
Women can take full advantage of the blessed month of Ramadan with menstruation cycle they can do more than refraining from ritual prayer and fasting to draw near Allah Almighty. Below mentioned are some ways that women unable to fast can boost their spirituality during the blessed month of Ramadan.
- Increase Dhikr, those who are in periods should use every free moment in remembering Allah Almighty. Dhikr has a special way of touching the heart, and by invoking Allah’s names whenever you can during this blessed month you create the space for beautiful spiritual openings.
- Listen to the Holy Quran. Those who can’t recite the Quran due to periods can listen to the Quran as much as possible. “The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong).” (Quran, 2:185)
- Increase your repentance in the holy month of Ramadan. Use moments when others are praying or breaking their fast to ask Allah Almighty to forgive you and your loved ones and to keep you from returning to sin. Allah (SWT) is the Forgiving, Merciful and trust that the moment when someone asks for forgiveness they are truly forgiven.
- Feed people who are in fasting.
- Make Dua for others, for yourself and for the whole Muslim Ummah.
- Be kind to others, including your spouse & family members.
- Send blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
- Give charity generously.
- Try to carry out righteous deeds.
- Babysit to help mothers to worship.
- Gain Islamic knowledge so that you can do good deeds and earn blessings from this blessed month.
Ramadan is not simply about abstaining from food, praying, and fasting, but it is truly about purifying your heart and your deeds leaving things that Allah Almighty dislikes and doing more of the things that Allah (SWT) loves with no intention other than to please Him. May Almighty Allah accept our prayers, fasting and good deeds. Ameen!