Equality in Islam-Islam Spread the Message of Equality

Islam is the complete code of life in which we can learn about all things which we are facing in our daily lives. Islam is the religion of equality. We can take guidance from Quran in which Allah Almighty mentioned the solutions of all problems. In the eyes of Almighty Allah, all people are equal but they are definitely not identical in sense of abilities, potentials, ambitions, wealth and so on. Islam is the religion of peace and equality and it always spread the message of equality among Muslims because all Muslims are equal in the eyes of Almighty Allah.
We all should know and remember that one basic element in the value system of Islam is the principle of equality. All are equal in the eyes of Almighty Allah the only distinction which Allah recognizes is the distinction in piety, and the only principle which Allah applies is the principle of goodness and spiritual excellence. Equality in Quran is like In the Quran, Allah says: “O mankind, verily We have created you from a single (Pair) of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Almighty Allah is the most righteous” (Quran, 49:13).We should not consider ourselves superior to another because we all are equal according to Almighty Allah except distinction in piety.
Equality in Islam
The message of Islam is for the entire human race. According to Islam, Allah (SWT) is the Creator of the entire world and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah Almighty for the whole mankind. Islam unites the entire human race under one banner without any kind of discrimination. Islam does not distinguish between human beings according to their races, gender, color, or their beliefs. Islam looks at everyone as equal to each other, because at the end we are all the same in front of Allah Almighty. Humans are all made of mud, all mankind is the lineage of Adam and Adam was formed out of clay. Islam even does not distinguish between man and woman; all are equal in front of Allah.
Equality in Islam roots from basic principles such as:
- All men are created by One and the Same Eternal Creator, the Supreme Lord of all.
- All mankind belong to the human race and share equally in the common lineage of Adam and Eve.
- Allah is just and kind to all his creatures. He is not partial to any race, age, or religion.
- The whole universe is Allah’s supremacy and all people are His creatures.
- All people are born equal in the sense that none brings any dominion with him, and they die equal in the sense that none brings any possession with him, and they die equal in the sense that they take back nothing of their worldly belongings.
- Allah judges every person on the basis of his own merits and according to his own deeds.
- Allah has debated on man; man as such, a title of honor and dignity.
According to Quran, everyone is equal in front of Allah, what really matters and differ humans from each other is their own actions in life and what they did during their living period on earth. The Quran urges without commanding, kindness to the slave and recommends their liberation by purchase or mannerism this is equality in Islam.
In the eyes of Allah, all are equal, except for when it comes to piousness and righteousness. Those who have these two qualities have a better standing in the court of Allah, other than that they are all the same. Therefore, thinking that Islam has something to do with racial, cultural or social discrimination is a false pretense.
The color of the skin or the sectarian background of a person is not something that makes a person inferior of superior, rather it is the level of piety and righteousness of a person that gives one a higher standing. Thus, if all the humanity at present would forget the hatred produced on the basis of racial discrimination then the world could surely become a peaceful place with a bright future that’s why Islam teaches us the to spread the message of equality.
There is a Hadith on equality as Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “O mankind, your Lord is One and your father is one. You all descended from Aadam, and Aadam was created from the earth. He is most honored among you in the sight of God who is most upright. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab, no colored person to a white person, or a white person to a colored person except by Taqwa (piety).” (At-Tirmidhi)
Not only did Islam emphasize the equality principle theoretically, but did it practically in some of the worship acts that translated this principle into a sensible fact that does not escape people minds, thus: in the mosques where Friday prayer is held once every week, as well as the five daily prayers; equality is exercised practically and all the differences vanishes among people. That is, whoever came to the Mosque first, took his place in the front rows despite his financial states or position, and whoever comes late, his place is late and if you look at any row among the prayer’s rows, you would find in that row the rich and poor, the knowledgeable and the one with no knowledge, the Arab and the non Arab, no differences all the same in sight of Allah (SWT), their direction during prayer, as well as their reveled book, as their Lord is one and also their movements during the prayer following one Imam.
From all above-mentioned sayings and discussion, we can conclude that Islam spread the message of equality not just theoretically but it also proved it practically as explained in above example of offering five-time prayer in the mosque in one row with all other Muslims no matter who is rich or poor. We should also spread the message of equality so that we can spread peace with this message without being discriminated in terms of race or sectarian background. We should learn from Islamic teachings on equality. Learn that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim and that Muslims constitute one brotherhood and humanity by spreading the message of equality.