Ramadan Archive
31 May 2018
Significance and Rules of Zakat al-Fitr in Islam

Zakat ul-Fitr is also known as Sadaqat ul-Fitr. The word Fitr means the same as Iftar which is breaking a fast. So, Zakat ul-Fitr is the name given to charity which is distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadan. Zakat al-Fitr is the Wajib or we can say it is a duty on every Muslim to pay Sadaqat ul-Fitr before
31 May 2018
Lailatul Qadr | Read Full Story about the Night of Power

Lailatul Qadr is considered the holiest night of the year for Muslims in the holy month of Ramadan. Lailatul Qadr falls in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Muslims across the globe maximize their prayers and give their best in trying to attain the pleasure of Allah Almighty and forgiveness for all their sins during
30 May 2018
Importance of Eid-ul-Fitr in Islam – Time of Joy for Muslims

Eid-ul-Fitr is the most important festival of Muslims in the Islamic calendar. The significance of Eid-ul-Fitr is purely spiritual. This day does not mark any historical event but its existence gives Muslims an occasion to offer thanks to Allah Almighty for having given them the strength and the will to observe fast and obey His
30 May 2018
Worship Plan to Maximize the last 10 Days of Ramadan

Third Ashra of Ramadan starts from 21st Ramadan and ends 29th or 30th Ramadan. The last 10 days of Ramadan are blessed and superior as Lailatul Qadr falls in these days and Muslims also practice Itikaf and try to maximize their prayers. Third Ashra is safety from the Hell which means Nijat. End of Ramadan
29 May 2018
Daily Duas (Supplications) for last 10 Days of Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of blessings but last 10 days of Ramadan that is third Ashra is the most important and superior to the previous two Ashras of Ramadan. Third Ashra of Ramadan starts from 21st and ends 29th or 30th of Ramadan. Lailatul Qadr falls in the third Ashra of Ramadan which is better
28 May 2018
Itikaf in Ramadan- Rules, Types and Virtues of Itikaf

Ramadan is the holy month of blessings in which Muslims all around the globe fast for the sake of Allah Almighty. Ramadan is the best opportunity for Muslims to seek forgiveness and getting closer to Allah (SWT). Muslims passionately spend this time for seeking forgiveness of their sins and getting close to Allah Almighty. This
25 May 2018
Small and Easy Good Deeds you can do this Ramadan

Ramadan is the blessed month in which reward for good deeds is increased undoubtedly. Sin committed during this holy month is worse and more serious than a sin committed at any other time. So we all should try to avoid doing sins and maximize our good deeds for gaining great rewards from Allah Almighty. As
24 May 2018
Feed your Soul with Good Deeds in this Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar when Muslims around the world fast and also recharge and revive their faith to become better human beings. Muslims stop eating and drinking from dawn to dusk which varies according to where one lives and the time when Ramadan arrives in different parts of the world. Holy
23 May 2018
Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy during Fasting in Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan is during summer in this season where the weather is so hot in most parts of the world. As we all know that during Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk. It is important to get proper nourishment between Iftar and suhoor in order to be
22 May 2018
Importance of Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Decree) in Ramadan

Ramadan is the month of blessing in which our goal should be to achieve extreme levels of heights by worshiping Allah Almighty rather than just passing on this holy month without any achievement. One of the most special aspects of the month of Ramadan is that it includes Lailatul Qadr (the night of decree). As