Ramadan Archive
16 Jun 2014
How to Develop Good Character During Ramadan

Besides being a month which comes with the doors of hell closed and the doors of heaven open for all those who seek forgiveness, Ramadan is also a month in which Muslims can go for increasing self control and try to make their soul and body pure by resisting all the evil temptations and moving
13 Jun 2014
A Parental Guide For Newly Fasting Kids

The auspicious month of Ramadan is just days away. This month is the month of blessings, forgiveness and endless rewards from Allah Almighty. Therefore, Muslims all over the world observe this month with equal reverence and try making the most out of it by fasting and increasing their worship of Allah Almighty. Every year when
12 Jun 2014
7 Ways Moms Can Make Ramadan Fasting Fun for Their Kids

The greatest of influence on the life of Muslims is that instead of just providing them with a religious framework to follow, Islam is a complete code of life and has actually given Muslims a living style. Therefore, all the actions which Muslims take in daily life, all the things they do and all the
12 Jun 2014
Tips for Workout Routine and Exercise during Ramadan

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims have to change their habits a bit in order to observe the month with proper religious sentiment. In this month, besides avoiding eating and drinking, Muslims also try practicing self-constraint in order to purify their souls. Thus, there is worshiping, the practicing of self constraint, recitation of Quran and
11 Jun 2014
Ramadan Preparation and Reflections Before Its Arrival

Ramadan is one of the eagerly awaited months of Islamic calendar. The month is full of blessings and mercy that showers upon Muslims from Allah Almighty. Therefore, in order to increase their fair share in the feast of blessings and mercy, Muslims try preparing for the month before hand, so that the transition remains easy
10 Jun 2014
Few Common Mistakes to Avoid in Ramadan

Without any doubt, Ramadan is one of the Holiest months in Islamic year. It is the month where Muslims change their regular routine, turn towards prayers seeking of forgiveness, and seek the blessings and mercy of Allah Almighty for the rest of the year. In the month of Ramadan, the goal of a Muslim is
09 Jun 2014
Special Deeds of Our Beloved Prophet (SAWS) in Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan is upon us. It is one of the most sacred months in the Islamic lunar calendar and Muslims all across the globe make special arrangements and preparations to celebrate this month and observe it with utmost religious zest. The prominent features of this month are fasting, the Taraweeh prayer at
08 Jun 2014
Facts About The Origin Of Taraweeh Salah

Throughout the year, if there is one month for which Muslims wait most anxiously, it is the month of Ramadan. It is one of the most blessed months of the year as it brings with it countless blessings and rewards for those who fast the whole month and pray to Allah Almighty. Therefore, it is
03 Jun 2014
Ramadan Diet Plan and Weight Loss Tips for Muslims

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is mandatory upon every Muslim and Muslims all over the world make special preparations and follow proper guidelines for this Holy month. In addition to the excessive praying and Quran recitation, one other factor that is a change compared to regular life routine is the diet plan. Muslims do
02 Jun 2014
Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Ramadan Fasting

If you do not know how to correctly read the Quran in Arabic, then join Quran Reading Academy for online Quran teaching classes to improve your Quran recitation and understanding skills. The Holy month of Ramadan is just around the corner. Muslims anxiously await this auspicious month in which they pray and praise Allah Almighty