Ramadan Archive
29 Apr 2022
All About Zakat al Fitr 2022

All about Zakat al Fitr 2022 is what you’re going to learn in todays article. It is frequently referred to as Fitrana or Fitrah, which translates to “breaking a fast” in Arabic. When the month of fasting ends, the month’s Zakat-ul Fitr is what is donated. If you’re fasting throughout this holy month, then Zakat-ul
22 Apr 2022
5 Significant Practices for the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The third Ashra (Last 10 days of Ramadan) begins on the 21st of Ramadan and finishes on the 29th or 30th of Ramadan, depending on the lunar calendar. The third Ashra is referred to as “Safety from the Hell” (Nijat). Every Muslim must pray in order to be protected from the wrath of God. Practices
15 Apr 2022
What is Best Food for Fasting in Ramadan?

Today, we’re gonna talk about the best food for Fasting in Ramadan. More than one billion Muslims worldwide observe Ramadan, by abstaining from all food and drink from sunset till sunrise. During Ramadan, your body’s circadian clock experiences a number of adjustments both physically and emotionally. Because your body is dehydrated and hungry during fasting,
01 Apr 2022
5 Best Things to Do During Ramadan

Ramadan is the Crowned month of the whole Islamic calendar in all 12 months. All the days and the months are by Allah and have their values but no other month can compete with Ramdan in its significance and count of blessings from Allah. It’s the time to purify souls and ask repentance from Allah
31 Mar 2022
What Quran Says About Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims consider it to be the month of blessings. Besides all other major causes for the significance of this holy month nothing can better describe it than “What Quran says about Ramadan?”. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are urged to do good deeds and
04 May 2021
Significance of Third Ashra of Ramadan with Daily Supplications

Ramadan is the 9th and one of the most blessed months of Islamic Calendar. The blessed month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims worldwide as an act of fasting to commemorate the revelation of the Quran on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as per Islamic dogmas. The ritual of fasting among Muslims redirects the heart away from
30 Apr 2021
Importance of Second Ashra of Ramadan with Daily Duas

The month of blessings Ramadan is divided into three stages (Ashras). Every Ashra of Ramadan has its particular significance associated with it. The second Ashra of Ramadan refers to the middle 10 days (11-20) of Ramadan. It is the time of forgiveness in which Muslims must seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. With seeking forgiveness Muslims
28 Apr 2021
Significance of Ramadan & Fasting from Quran & Sunnah

Ramadan is the month of countless blessings in which fasting is obligatory on every Muslim. Ramadan is the month that closes us to Allah (SWT) and reveals unto us His clear commandments because this is the month in which Allah revealed the Quran on His last Messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The month of Ramadan holds
26 Apr 2021
Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan

Allah Almighty has made fasting obligatory for Muslims in the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and having sexual activity during fasting. Ramadan is the month of blessings. It is one of the favorite times of year of Allah SWT. The devil is locked
23 Apr 2021
Significance of 2nd Ashra of Ramadan

The Holy Month Ramadan is divided into three stages (Ashras). Every Ashra of Ramadan has its particular significance associated with it. The second Ashra of Ramadan refers to the middle 10 days (11th -20th) of Ramadan. It is the time of forgiveness in which Muslims must seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. In this regard, the second