Qur’an Archive
20 Jan 2011
Quran, The Myth Buster!!!
Quran, known to be the Holy Scripture of Muslims, is perhaps a book which has been engulfed in smokes of mystification due to various reasons; miss conception being the biggest of those reasons. Quran has been brought to the attention of Western civilization with an increased fervor in the most recent past with a bad
12 Jan 2011
Celebrating the Revelation of Quran
The year 2010 was the year for the celebration of the revelation of Quran in Turkey. There were so many interesting events held in different parts of the country. There were many activities aiming to create the awareness about the Quran among the masses. People from different parts of the world flocked to turkey to
06 Dec 2010
Understanding the Holy Quran
The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “The best among you is the one who learned Quran and taught it to others”. It is an unfortunate fact that most of the Muslims today do not know what exactly is written in their Holy book, Quran. This is because of several reasons. Sometimes the parents do not understand
10 Nov 2010
Quran unites the Muslims around the world as one
(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger) Muslims all around the world live in different conditions and situations with a different set of culture and values in a society that they live in. There were people
29 Dec 2009
Holy Quran and Modern Science
We are living in the age of computers, laser surgeries, advanced medical treatments, and cloning! In today’s world of constant scientifically groundbreaking discoveries, how can we accept that Allah’s revelation, The Quran, did not reveal this all before? Believing the entire world to be created by God Himself, the Qur’an revealed 1400 years ago contains
07 Oct 2009
Now Learn Online How to Read and Recite The Holy Quran Properly!

The Quran was first revealed in Arabic. It still remains in its original form and believers say that God has made his concern to preserve the Quran in its original form. The word ‘Islam’ comes from the Arabic word ‘Salama’ meaning peace, purity, submission, and obedience. Islam in a religious point of view means submitting