Qur’an Archive
06 Nov 2019
Qualities of True Believer According to the Quran and Hadith

Muslim is a person who embraces Islam by saying Kalima Tayyaba and with a devoted belief that Allah is One, there’s no God except Him and Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is His last Messenger. The believer is the one who has knowledge of faith that invades deeply into his mind, heart, and soul. Being a Muslim
30 Oct 2019
Some Modern Ways of Learning the Holy Quran

The basic purpose of our life is to worship Allah Almighty. The best way of worship is to offer Salah and recite Quran daily for the sake of Allah Almighty. For the guidance of mankind, Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Quran on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Holy Quran is the last divine book, the
28 Oct 2019
Rights of Neighbors in Islam | Neighborhood According to Quran and Sunnah

All human beings are descended from Adam and Eve so all are brothers and sisters. No one is superior to others except “Taqwa “piety. All of us depend on each other in this world to make a society. Being a Muslim we should maintain good relations with our relatives, but should not unjustly favor them over
25 Oct 2019
Significance of Taqwa (Piety) According to the Holy Quran

Taqwa (piety) in Islam is considered one of the most important Islamic ethics. When we look at the teachings of Islam and the acts of worship, we understand that in most cases Islam guides people towards the state of Taqwa. Taqwa is basically fear from Allah Almighty when a person fears Allah (SWT) then he
17 Oct 2019
Impact of Holy Quran in Muslims Lives

Islam is a perfect religion but all Muslims are not perfect. Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Quran for the guidance of all mankind not just for Muslims. Quran is the book that has a solution to all problems that a man could face in his life. The Glorious Quran is a spiritual guide for all
25 Sep 2019
Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is the 4th and last sacred book of Almighty Allah revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Holy Quran is the book of guidance for all mankind till the Day of Judgment. Muslims needs to practice the teachings of the Holy Quran in their lives. Muslims need to understand the Holy
13 Sep 2019
Importance of Quran Recitation with Understanding

The Holy Quran is the last heavenly book of Allah Almighty which was revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The language of this holy book is in Arabic. Muslims recite the Quran in their prayers and also recite it other than prayers. As we all know that the sacred book of Quran is full
28 Aug 2019
8 Benefits of Istighfar from the Holy Quran

Islam is the religion of peace and love that provide its follower’s complete guideline on how to live a meaningful life. Perfection is only the quality of Almighty Allah. Human beings were always flawed and they did commit sins. Allah (SWT) bestowed humans a free will that often leads them to commit sins whether small
22 Aug 2019
Tips to Help Kids in Memorizing the Quran

The Holy Quran is the 4th sacred book of Almighty Allah. The Noble Quran has a great status in the lives of Muslims. It is the book of guidance not just for Muslims but for the whole of mankind. Muslims seek guidance in every matter of life from the Noble Quran. In order to understand
20 Aug 2019
Ayahs from Quran to Perform Sujood al-Tilaawah

The Holy Quran is the last sacred book of Almighty Allah which revealed on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Noble Quran consists of Surahs and Ayahs (verses) in which some verses are known as Ayat-e-Sajdah or verses of prostration. It is obligatory to prostrate at the end either after having recitation or listening to the Ayah.