Qur’an Archive
22 Apr 2022
5 Significant Practices for the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The third Ashra (Last 10 days of Ramadan) begins on the 21st of Ramadan and finishes on the 29th or 30th of Ramadan, depending on the lunar calendar. The third Ashra is referred to as “Safety from the Hell” (Nijat). Every Muslim must pray in order to be protected from the wrath of God. Practices
01 Apr 2022
5 Best Things to Do During Ramadan

Ramadan is the Crowned month of the whole Islamic calendar in all 12 months. All the days and the months are by Allah and have their values but no other month can compete with Ramdan in its significance and count of blessings from Allah. It’s the time to purify souls and ask repentance from Allah
31 Mar 2022
What Quran Says About Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims consider it to be the month of blessings. Besides all other major causes for the significance of this holy month nothing can better describe it than “What Quran says about Ramadan?”. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are urged to do good deeds and
03 Feb 2021
Importance of the Month of Rajab in the Light of Quran & Sunnah

Rajab is the 7th month of Hijri calendar. It’s meaning is to respect and also to remove. Rajabi is one of the 4 most sacred months in Islam, others are Dhul-Qa’da, Dhul-Hajj, Al-Muharram & Shaban. The month of the birth of Asad Ullah-Hazrat e Ali Al Murtaza RA is also Rajab. The merit of the month of Rajab is like the merit of
01 Feb 2021
Rights of Parents in Islam According to Quran & Sunnah

To be obedient to parents and to show kindness to them has been enjoined along with the Oneness and Worship of Allah Almighty, in the Holy Quran, in such a manner that it appears that among human deeds, to obey parents and treat them with respect and kindness is next only to Worship Almighty Allah.
16 Dec 2020
Shirk in Islam According to Quran & Hadith- Types of Shirk

Shirk is an Arabic word which means “associating someone with Allah Almighty” or you can say “partnership”. It is the opposite of oneness of Allah (SWT) that is Tawhid. The Quran calls people to accept the oneness of Allah Almighty and firmly prohibits people from associating partners with His personality or attributes. In the Holy Quran,
03 Dec 2020
Benefits of Salah (Prayers) in Islam- According to the Quran & Hadith

Namaz (Salat) is one of the 5 most important pillars of Islam, that needs to perform five times a day. Salah is an Arabic word that means “worship”, a major act of worship that is obligatory on every Muslim. Salah or prayer is a practical sign of obedience to the commands of Allah Almighty, the
01 Dec 2020
The Concept of Halal & Haram in Islam According to Quran & Hadith

Halal is the Quranic terms used in the Holy Quran which means permitted, allowed, legal, or lawful. Haram is its opposite means forbidden, unlawful, illegal, or unlawful. In religion Islam, there are things declared as Halal and there are things which are forbidden and declared as Haram. We as a Muslim should try to follow
03 Jul 2020
How Quran Is Not Only A Religious Text

“How Quran Is Not Only A Religious Text” is a discussion about the Holy Book Quran, which helps to understand “The Master key Quran” in a broader sense. Quran e Hakeem aides us in such manner, In the Quran Allah SWT, says, “And I (Allaah) made not the jinn and humanity aside from that they
24 Jun 2020
Treaty Of Hudaibiya(Al-Ḥudaybiyah) A Turning Point In The History Of Islam

The large and impressive sweep of Muslims in Arabia was not bearable for the Kuffars. It was the sixth year of Hijri when the treaty of Hudaibiya(Al-Ḥudaybiyah) A turning point in the history of Islam was made between kuffars and the Muslims in the Holy Month of Dhu al-Qa’dah, and this is one of the