Muharram Archive
13 Nov 2013
The Sanctity And Importance Of Fasting on Days of Ashora – Muharram

Every religious calendar is full with special days that call for special actions. These days sometimes come with celebrations that have religious implications while sometimes these days are observed as commemoration for some specific religious history. Such is the case with religion Islam as well that has numerous special days throughout the Islamic calendar. Islamic
06 Nov 2013
Importance & Significance of Muharram And The Glorious Day Of Ashura
The Islamic lunar calendar marks the beginning of New Year by the sighting of the moon of Muharram. It is the first month of Islamic year therefore, besides marking new beginnings it comes with additional reverence amalgamated with numerous blessings from Allah Almighty. Muslims in general are aware of the importance and virtues of months
22 Nov 2012
What Did Hussain (AS) Stand For In The Field Of Karbala
Among days of Islamic calendar, the tenth of Muharram is perhaps one of the most important days because of its significance in the pre-Prophet (PBUH) religious history, and secondly, its importance in the post-Prophet (PBUH) Islamic history. The tenth of Muharram signifies the saving of Abraham (AS) from the fire of Nimrod, the saving of
21 Nov 2012
Karbala Incident; The Message For Muslims of Gaza And Other Countries
The month of Muharram has great importance in Islamic history and beliefs. Historically, it is the month when Ibrahim (AS) was saved from the fire of Nimrod, it is the month when Moses (AS) was saved the children of Israel from Pharaoh by crossing the Red Sea, and it is the month when Hussain (R.A)
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