Islamic events Archive
03 Feb 2021
Importance of the Month of Rajab in the Light of Quran & Sunnah

Rajab is the 7th month of Hijri calendar. It’s meaning is to respect and also to remove. Rajabi is one of the 4 most sacred months in Islam, others are Dhul-Qa’da, Dhul-Hajj, Al-Muharram & Shaban. The month of the birth of Asad Ullah-Hazrat e Ali Al Murtaza RA is also Rajab. The merit of the month of Rajab is like the merit of
13 Jan 2021
Interesting Facts About the Islamic Hijri Calendar

Islamic Hijri Calendar is of great significance in the Muslim world. There are 12 months in Islamic calendar each one of it has its own importance. The Islamic Hijri calendar is also known as the lunar calendar. Islamic calendars are based on the shifting of the moon and contain approximately 30 days in each month because
09 Dec 2020
Types of Fasting in Islam Apart from Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is devoted to fasting. It is a month of obligatory fasting. Like Shahada, Salat, Zakat, and Hajj, Fasting is one of five pillars of Islam. Fasting is an incredible act of worship that is very much loved by Allah SWT. It is obligatory for each Muslim, who is an adult and
05 Nov 2020
Society under the Rashidun caliphate

After the demise of the Holy Prophet (SAW), the Rashidun caliphate took the leadership of Muslims in Arab. Soon, the Muslim empire expanded its territory from Arab to the regions earlier that came under the Roman and Persian Empires. Muslim armies destroyed the power of these empires to help build an Islamic rule which is
28 Oct 2020
Islamic Art in the Mughal Sultanate

Mughals’ history in India is not restricted to conquests and public governance. Rather, there is also an extensive side of the Mughal sultanate in India. Mughal Emperor builds such architecture and buildings which are a critical part of Islamic art and history. The Mughal architecture is a collaboration between Islamic and Indian art whose history
12 Oct 2020
Reforms under 2nd Caliph of Islam Hazrat Umar (RA)

Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) was one of the most prominent Sahabi and power caliphs of Islam. He (RA) was a mighty figure before the advent of Islam in the Arab region. As a follower of the Holy Prophet (SAW), He (RA) played an influential role in the propagation of Islam. However, his services as 2nd
05 Oct 2020
The Dream of Hazrat Yousaf (AS) and its Fulfillment

Hazrat Yousaf (AS) descended from the list of prophets Allah SWT sent to the earth to guide people. He (AS) was the grandson of Hazrat Ishaq (AS) and son of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS). He was the eleventh son of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) and is considered to be his most loved one. However, his brothers except
02 Oct 2020
The Peaceful Conquest of Jerusalem under Islam and its aftermath

Jerusalem is a holy city with critical importance for the Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. The city has a diverse heritage due to its long-standing history in the world. It has been home to numerous prophets and is considered as the center of religious learning. The city has various holy cites present in it from which
25 Sep 2020
Importance and Facts of the Month of Safar
In the Islamic calendar, we have twelve months; it starts with the month of Muharram and ends with Dhul Hijjah. At some specific months we, as Muslims, obviate ourselves from what our beloved prophet (peace be upon him) had prohibited us to do. These months are: Muharram, Rajab, Dhul Qi’dah and Dhul Hijjah. Allah the
14 Sep 2020
Spread Of Islam, The Rise Of Islamic State

Let us begin our today’s blog post “Spread Of Islam, The Rise Of Islamic State” with this quote, “Islam is not a native calling settled for spreading its principles in one specific medium, and it is not a sectarian or communal calling, either, particular of one group of people. It is rather a universal appeal.”