Islam and Muslims Archive
05 Oct 2020
The Dream of Hazrat Yousaf (AS) and its Fulfillment

Hazrat Yousaf (AS) descended from the list of prophets Allah SWT sent to the earth to guide people. He (AS) was the grandson of Hazrat Ishaq (AS) and son of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS). He was the eleventh son of Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) and is considered to be his most loved one. However, his brothers except
30 Sep 2020
Social Importance of the Five Pillars of Islam

From its primitive varieties to its most sophisticated and structured existence, the creation of Almighty Allah had that unique tendency to socialize, collaborate and build, supplying the seeds of the cosmopolitan in its nature and following a broader vision to achieve harmonious gathering. But, the meaning of socializing in Islam goes in rich dimensions and
25 Sep 2020
Importance and Facts of the Month of Safar
In the Islamic calendar, we have twelve months; it starts with the month of Muharram and ends with Dhul Hijjah. At some specific months we, as Muslims, obviate ourselves from what our beloved prophet (peace be upon him) had prohibited us to do. These months are: Muharram, Rajab, Dhul Qi’dah and Dhul Hijjah. Allah the
16 Sep 2020
Islamic culture And Its Very Basics

Let us open our today’s blog post “Islamic culture And Its Very Basics” with “Smiling in your brother’s face is an act of charity.So is enjoining good and forbidding evil,giving directions to the lost traveler,aiding the blind andremoving obstacles from the path.” (Graded authentic by Ibn Hajar and al-Albani: Hidayat-ur-Ruwaah, 2/293) “Basics of Islamic culture” discuss
14 Sep 2020
Spread Of Islam, The Rise Of Islamic State

Let us begin our today’s blog post “Spread Of Islam, The Rise Of Islamic State” with this quote, “Islam is not a native calling settled for spreading its principles in one specific medium, and it is not a sectarian or communal calling, either, particular of one group of people. It is rather a universal appeal.”
09 Sep 2020
The Religion Of Peace, Islam-An Overview

“The Religion Of Peace, Islam-An Overview” is a discussion about the few of the basics of Islam. “Islam is the religion of harmony and peace” It encourages to treat every living being with love and kindness. So we see, there are 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. So most of the Muslims all through the
02 Sep 2020
6 Major Beliefs Of Muslims

In today’s blog post “6 Major Beliefs Of Muslims” we will discuss the very basics of the Muslims’ belief briefly. Allah is one, all-powerful, Allah has no offspring, no gender, no race, and nobody. He is all in all. Muslims believe in the existence of the angels who are unseen and bring orders of Allah
31 Aug 2020
The Golden Age Of Islam And Its Major Achievements

In today’s article, The Golden Age Of Islam And It’s Significant Achievements is a discussion about the golden era from the 8th to 14th centuries when Islamic achievements were at its peak. Let us briefly discuss a few details and let us answer a few of our reader’s questions in this brief discussion. When we
26 Aug 2020
Waqia-e-Karbala And Imam Hussain AS

“The aim of my revolution is to reform society and revive the true teachings of Islam.” (Imam Hussain, Tuhaf al uqul, p.243) “Waqia-e-Karbala And Imam Hussain AS” is a discussion about the battle of Karbala and the steadfastness of Imam Hussain AS. Let us dig a bit deep into the incident in next lines. The
17 Aug 2020
Muharram, Significance, And Importance In Islam

“Muharram, Significance, And Importance In Islam” is a discussion to look into the few reasons why this holy month in Islam is much important, and how it is significant enough. May Allah help us understand our deen and may He guide us to follow it truly. Aameen. Based on the lunar hijri calendar, Muharram is