Islam and Muslims Archive
24 Aug 2010
Sialkot Incident – Time for Muslims to Wakeup
It’s the moment of agony and great grief that the authorities yet considered to be provided and posted for security have failed again not doing anything was the case again and their silent spectatorship remained to be a big question for their entire existence. No doubt, leaving pondered, wondering the entire Nation and others. SO
20 Aug 2010
Two Dreadful Facets of America for Muslims
This is the time for you to think what is right and what is wrong and with the advent of technology and media one is well aware of the facts around the world and this is where you are to learn and experience the true aspect and moral value of the life within oneself religion.
11 Aug 2010
Reported, Islamabad-Pakistan: It is a moment of sigh and grief as this is the time to help those people who are left all alone with nothing at all and when we say nothing we mean there is no shelter to take refuge in, no food to eat, no clean water that one can quench the
09 Aug 2010
RAMADAN – The Special Month of Fasting

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger) Ramadan is the very special Month in which we are told by several authenticated sources and yet by our Beloved Prophet (SAWS) that The doors of Hell are closed in
23 Jul 2010
The Beautiful Month of Ramadan

(All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger) For the Holy Month of Ramadan you are expected to prepare yourself with adequate knowledge which will help you to understand the true meaning of this special blessed month and thus the opportunity provided in the month of Ramadan
20 Jul 2010
How To Prepare For Ramadan – Are You Ready?
(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger) O you who believe! Observing al-sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become al-muttaqoon (the pious). (Quran al-Baqarah 2:183)
14 Jun 2010
Clear Conscience is Weapon for True Believers
Attaining a sense to distinguish between good and evil is the first step to successes on the spiritual path. A true Muslim has the following Qualities: A true Muslim is a person who can distinguish between the right and wrong. These people observe and witness the difference. They not only learn from there own experience
31 Mar 2010
Slaves of the Monetary Fund
Allama Iqbal says: “In splendor, in seduction and in grace, the buildings of the banks outsoar the houses of God; In appearance it is trading, in reality, gambling; The gain of one is sudden death to millions, Science, Philosophy, College, Constitution, Preach man’s equality and suck man’s blood, Want and unemployment, lewdness and intoxication, Who
25 Nov 2009
What Is Islam And Who Are The Muslims – The Truth Revealed…

Islam, the second biggest religion of the world after Christianity has around 1.2 billion followers who call themselves Muslims. Day by day, the circle if Islam is widening at quite a commendable rate, i.e. 2.9% increase in its followership per year, which is amazingly higher than the number of births which is increasing at a
15 Oct 2009
Teachings and Beliefs of The Religion Islam
According to Islam, every newborn child is innocent. So there is no concept of “original sin”. People remain guiltless until they commit a sin on their own will. Islam is neither an ethnocentric nor a sacramental religion. The followers of this religion observe no sacraments. Anyone can convert to Islam by his/her own discretion. There